Chapter 11

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I opened Bianca's handbook with almost a religious reverence. It was unmistakably hers. Inside was her birthday invitation – and let me tell you, it was something else. The handbook was like a work of art, with dried flowers, vintage postcards, and stickers that added that charming touch.

As I flipped through the pages, I found all the details for her birthday bash on a chill Sunday. It even had instructions on how to find her on social media and her home address. But what really caught my eye were the fun instructions on party etiquette and gift ideas. Bianca sure knew how to put her own spin on things.

My heart melted as I delicately touched the flowers and postcards, knowing that Bianca likely crafted it all herself. So much love in one invitation.

Wait a minute! Now I have her contacts! I can follow her on social media and even slide into her DMs!

Thoughts raced ahead:

What a coincidence, my birthday is the day after hers, on Monday. I wonder how old she's turning? 18 like me, or 17? Maybe she's older? Why not, it could be...

There will probably be a lot of students at her party, while no one will likely come to mine except Ishani. Even if I invite someone, everyone will go to the annual party the cheerleaders are planning after Saturday's game...

What if... no... I could go to her birthday with this invitation...

No, no, I might just get kicked out or mocked. It's better if I give her a card tomorrow, and maybe she'll invite me since I helped her today. Damn! I need to talk to someone about this.

I grabbed my phone to message Ishani, but she beat me to it:

«Mom is thrilled with you! You're coming over tomorrow. Mom's driving me crazy with Spanish, I don't understand anything, my head is spinning, going to bed, exhausted xoxoxox»

«Are you already asleep? Can I call you?»

Useless, my message was unread. I was sure she was fast asleep.

I sadly thought about Jessica. I've heard of sisters who were friends and shared secrets, but I couldn't even imagine telling her anything personal. Everything I say would be used against me.

I fell face-first onto my bed. I just wanted to hold Bianca's hand.

Guided by a strange impulse, I snapped a photo of my hand with the bracelet and sent her a message on IG, she seemed to be online.

«Your friendship bracelet is doing well. Thanks for standing up for me at the lockers 🙏❤️»

And sent...

Oh god, what have I done. Why did I put "❤️"?!!! What if she asks how I got her contacts? I'll have to tell her about the handbook.

No big deal, maybe my message will end up in spam or somewhere else...


I heard the sound of a message.

Maybe Ishani woke up.

«Hey 😗»

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HOW TO DATE A CHEERLEADER. TOMBOY HANDBOOK (Lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now