Chapter 59

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"I feel kinda bad we didn't think to invite her," Alisha said regretfully. "If we knew you were friends with her too, I would've definitely invited her."

"Come on, she's just a buzzkill," Ishani grumbled. "She always puts everyone in an awkward spot, like when the teacher forgets to check the hard homework that no one did, and she's the first to raise her hand, adjust her glasses, and say, 'Aren't we supposed to review exercises ten and fifteen on page trillion...'"

"I don't think she does it on purpose, Ishani," Bianca said sternly, seeming ready to lash out after her encounter with Heather, and Ishani ended up being the target.

"You know, I don't remember you hanging out with her much yourself," Ishani retorted, scooting to the far end of the couch.

"And I don't remember inviting you to my birthday party yesterday."

"Enough, Bianca," Lamar interrupted, sensing the conversation turning into a fight. "I invited her, and Alisha invited Mel. Your invitations had a plus one."

Alisha nodded in agreement. She looked confused but realized she needed to back up her brother.

"And I talked to Lydia; she's really nice, just wants to do well in school. I haven't even properly thanked her for standing up for me against crazy Irene."

"Oh please, you guys only care about her because she's our little Miss Internet Celebrity now," Jess remarked snidely.

"Exactly," Ishani agreed.

The tension was rising. The curse of my birthday was starting to kick in. Maybe I should find a witch or go to church to get some holy water, sprinkle it on myself and the house, and pour the rest on Jess. She'd probably start hissing and speaking in Latin before disappearing into the ground to join her grandma-Lucifer.

"By the way," Jess continued. She had been standing by the window, watching the driveway that was barely visible through the garden trees. "Bianca, did your boyfriend or brother drop you off? Looks like his car."

I froze. Could Bianca have another boyfriend, or did Dick show up in his fancy car to pick up his girlfriend and beat me up? Wild thoughts swarmed in my head.

Bianca frowned, then stood up like a queen, as if she were Daenerys Targaryen rising from the Iron Throne (the fitting music was playing from the speaker), and walked to the window.

"That's my car," she said proudly, glaring at Jess with her cold blue eyes. "No one dropped me off."

"Sorry, sis," Jess pursed her beautiful plump lips, tilting her chin from right to left, and twirled one of the pearls on her expensive necklace that her Dad gave her for her fourteenth birthday. He always made a show of forgetting my birthdays and never showed up, claiming he had too much work. "I must have mixed it up. Someone with the exact same car dropped off Mel last week."

"Oh, really?" Bianca raised an eyebrow, not taking her eyes off Jess.

"Do you have a boyfriend, Mel?" Ishani gasped excitedly, looking at me expectantly, ready to hear all the juicy details of my chaotic love life.

Lamar stared at me without blinking.

Oh crap!


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More chapters on my PATREON PAGE. You can also read bonus chapters there: Heather's PoV and Bianca's PoV

 You can also read bonus chapters there: Heather's PoV and Bianca's PoV

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