Chapter 34

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"My phone is blowing up," Bianca said.

"What's going on?" I asked.

We were sitting in a cute little diner, tucked away in the farthest corner with a view of a small park.

"Everyone who was at the game is posting like crazy."

"Did our school win? Let me see!"

"No way!!!" Bianca gasped.

"Come on, tell me! I'm dying without school gossip," I joked, sliding my worn plastic chair— one that's seen plenty of butts — closer to Bianca.

It felt like we were getting closer not only in terms of how we were sitting there. Maybe I was wrong, but the barrier of first-time awkwardness had crumbled, and here I was, hanging out with the most popular girl in school. She'd ditched everything for the second time just to be with me — not with a hot jock or a college guy, but with me.

"We lost! Hahahaha!" Bianca laughed heartily. I loved her laugh — so infectious and deep, totally mismatched with her petite frame.

"You don't seem upset..." I noted carefully.

"Are you kidding? I'm thrilled!"

"You should be fired from cheerleading," I teased, and she slid me a milkshake as I dipped a fry into it.

"I don't care. I've already built a good enough rep in school to get into college."

Ishani sent me tons of her messages, and now I can't avoid it.

«Where are you, girl? 🥹» I read the latest one.

«Sorry 🙏🙇🏻‍♀️, I accidentally took my mom's car keys and had to go back home. My phone was dead for a while. Did I miss much?»

«OMG, so much happened!!!! I'll call you tonight. And thanks a ton for Lamar. I was such an idiot with you, pressuring you. He asked if we had invites to Bianca's party, I said we did, and he invited both of us to go with him and his sister 👯‍♀️ Girlfriend!!! Maybe he wants to ask me out but is shy, so he's being a gentleman and inviting us all. Tomorrow will be epic!!!! Thanks, you're a lifesaverrrr 💋💋💋💋💋»

«❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️✨✨✨» was all I replied. I really hoped Lamar was into Ishani; otherwise, we were in for a Shakespearean comedy...

"Check out this video!"

"What's going on?"

"A fight," Bianca whispered conspiratorially.

She put her right hand on my shoulder and showed me the video with her left. Dick, realizing he lost, started a fight with a guy from another school. Kalinowski quickly broke it up, and it seemed like the incident was over, but the person filming zoomed in on Irene confronting Alisha. She stood there like a villain from a '90s teen show, pointing her finger at her. Irene kept yelling, but this time, surprise, surprise, the small, big-eared class rep stepped in. She was accidentally pushed, and a shriek erupted on the field — I recognized that voice. It was Ishani. She shouted, "Irene pushed the class rep!" The video ended.

"Wow!!!" I exclaimed.

"Karma got that bad witch," Bianca said slyly.

"Why was Irene going after Alisha?" I asked, surprised.

"Irene's a racist, a closet one like most racists, but still. She always wanted to be captain but joined the team too late. If Honey hadn't left, she'd never have made the team. Lately, as we're getting closer to graduation, she's been trying to dominate and take my spot. That time she planted the bracelet, it wasn't her first attempt to sabotage me, but it was the nastiest. She's scared of me and won't act directly. Instead, she went after Alisha when she stood in for me as captain. That drove her nuts — me, she could handle, but not little Alisha. She exposed her nasty nature in front of everyone."

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