Chapter 58

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"If you mean Mom, she left for work. Her business partner called. She got assigned a new client," Jess said, adjusting her already perfect hair that someone like me could only dream of.

"Honestly, I thought she'd stay today," I said with a hint of sadness. I finally let myself relax and sat in a chair, grabbing a vegetarian pyanse and washing it down with bubble tea that tasted like Oreo or something like that. Ugh, too sweet!

"Are you upset?" Bianca touched my knee. "I'm sure she'll come back soon." I flinched at her touch. Why did I see her kissing Dick yesterday? I can't unsee it, even if it was staged. I don't even know what's worse: the fake kiss or if she kissed him because she likes him. Gross.

"Nope," Jess noted slyly, as always rubbing salt in the wound. "She's the new business partner at Johnson-Lee-Whiteriver law firm. She has to impress the main shareholder, so she needs to sign a long-term contract with some rich guy. Her name is in the firm now, so she has to keep up appearances."

"Tone down the snobbery, Jess," I snorted. "No one here is impressed by that." I hinted that the families here were wealthy enough not to be fazed by such talk. Jess was used to pulling that trick at home, bragging about her dad and grandma.

Jess slumped back in the soft chair. She got the hint and pouted.

I didn't text Lydia, I called her right away.

"Lydia, hey! Sorry to call, hope I'm not bothering you? Great. Are you free? Awesome. The guys threw me a surprise party. I'd love for you to come. Please? I'll send the address now... Uh-huh, uh-huh! No need for any gifts, just come over. We've got plenty of food and we're watching Game of Thrones..."

"It's House of the Dragon," Lamar corrected me nerdily in a whisper.

"House of the Dragon, whatever. Rich people banging their relatives and killing each other — perfect party material... Great, see you soon."

"You invited Lydia? Our class rep Lydia?" Ishani asked, surprised. She couldn't take her eyes off her latest celebrity crush. I bet she'll start watching Doctor Who and wonder where he is.

"Yeah, why? Are you against it? We had a really nice chat today — she's a cool girl."

Alisha smiled. "I really like her. She's so brave and smart, I even envy her a bit!"

Imagine that: popular, gorgeous Alisha envying little mouse Lydia.

Bianca glanced at me sideways but didn't say anything. Was she jealous of Lydia too? No, I must be imagining things.

"She's beautiful," Bianca said, looking at me.

"Who?" Ishani asked innocently.

"Emma D'Arcy. She's awesome." Bianca folded her arms in a defensive pose. It felt like if Ishani didn't agree, Bianca would defend Emma like her own mom.

"Yesss!" Lamar said dreamily. "She's amazing... some idiots online said she's not as pretty as Daenerys, but they're just morons."

Lamar was such a nerd!

"Yeah, idiots," Ishani agreed quickly.

I laughed. I felt sorry for Ishani. She was a smart girl with a great sense of humor but was willing to agree with a guy on everything... Damn, I'm no better. I pretended to like junk journals and other girly stuff Bianca liked. I thought they were cute and interesting at first, but now I can't tell if I genuinely like them or if it's just because I like Bianca.

More chapters on my PATREON PAGE. You can also read bonus chapters there: Heather's PoV and Bianca's PoV

 You can also read bonus chapters there: Heather's PoV and Bianca's PoV

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