Chapter 50

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Heather looked flawless. She wore a beige bodysuit paired with elegant trousers and several necklaces, effortlessly stylish. Her confidence radiated, making me feel even more inadequate in comparison.

 Her confidence radiated, making me feel even more inadequate in comparison

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Heather was just like Bianca, always showing off. It was warm outside but with a hint of fall in the air, and there she was, without a jacket, flaunting her abs. She stood there, arms wrapped around herself, goosebumps rising on her skin.

"I'm not hungry," I lied. The cookie had left my mouth feeling overly sweet, and I wasn't used to that kind of food. I wanted a cup of coffee with milk and a toast with eggs, cheese, and salad, but I stood firm against my cravings. "Everything's great. My new friends know about my birthday. We just moved the celebration to the weekend. Who wants to party on a Monday? Besides, our school football team lost, so everyone's kind of bummed," I rambled, lying through my teeth.

I'm not a pathological liar, but lately, lying has become either easier or more convenient than telling the truth. Maybe it's a closet thing? You start doing it without thinking, just to save your reputation or simply survive.

"Didn't think you'd be into school football," Heather said thoughtfully, with a hint of skepticism.

"Didn't think you'd be parading around like a rich influencer and making out with girls," I shot back.

"You can hurt me all you want, I deserve it," Heather said, hugging herself.

"Just put on a jacket, for God's sake. Stop showing off your abs and new piercing. I see the jacket in the car," I huffed.

"You're worried about me? That's a good sign," Heather said, smiling and sniffling. "You don't want me to catch a cold."

"I want you to get in the car and leave before your mom realizes you took her car and drove God knows where. Go back home to your town."

"But I am home."

"What do you mean?"

"I live here now."

"Are you joking, or did you hit your head on the way here?" I didn't like where this conversation was going. I had just gotten over the mess of her ghosting me, my moving here, then Bianca, and now Heather shows up out of nowhere like nothing happened.

"Let me drive you home and I'll explain everything on the way. It's really getting freezing out here," Heather finally admitted.

"Fine, let's go. It's not far," I said, plopping down in the back seat.

"I'm like a taxi driver now! Where to, ma'am?"

"You found out my home phone number —something I didn't even know we had until yesterday — so surely you know my address?" I shot back.

I purposely didn't sit next to her. I was scared that if I caught the scent of her hair, her body, especially fresh from the shower after practice, all the memories of our tender friendship would flood back, and I'd forgive her and be her obedient little follower again, hanging on to her every word.

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