Chapter 13

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Why did I send so many dumb emojis? Dang, did I really type 'bracket' instead of 'bracelet'? How cringe! I think I thanked her twice in a row for the bracelet and for helping with the school locker

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Why did I send so many dumb emojis? Dang, did I really type 'bracket' instead of 'bracelet'? How cringe! I think I thanked her twice in a row for the bracelet and for helping with the school locker... Geez. Now she'll definitely think I'm an idiot. Darn, maybe that's why she hasn't messaged me back?

I once again reread my chat from yesterday with Bianca.

Right after classes, we went to Ishani's place. The plan was for me to help her with Spanish, but in the end, she just copied my homework. Neither of us felt like studying vocabulary, to be honest. Ishani's house was so cool, she had so much interesting stuff that Spanish or anything school-related didn't even cross our minds. I just quickly explained to her the rules she had in her test, which she failed a week ago.

While Ishani went downstairs to bring us "tea, brought by grandma and grandpa, and sweets," I shamelessly and somewhat curiously looked around her room. Bianca would definitely approve of it (judging by her style), while Jessica would probably sell her own pitiful soul to the devil or her grandma (which is practically the same thing).

Ishani's room was like stepping into a Pinterest board dedicated to modern American high school girls. It was all sleek and girlish, with a touch of futuristic flair. Soft pastel hues blending seamlessly with metallic accents, like rose gold and silver. The furniture is minimalist yet functional, with a plush rug adorning the hardwood floor. A statement piece, like a chic vanity with LED lights, takes center stage, reflecting Ishani's love for all things trendy. There's no hint of her Indian heritage here; instead, it's a reflection of her contemporary American schoolgirl vibe.

Maybe that's why her mom was so keen for her daughter to embrace her ancestors' traditions, even if only through food, fearing she'd lose touch with her roots.

Though it was not for me to judge: my family had no roots. I only knew about Jessica's heritage, her grandma never stopped reminding me of it. I knew nothing about my father and his family (and heck, who leaves a pregnant woman to fend for herself?), and as for my mom, asking about her family was strictly forbidden. She'd immediately start feeling down, singing melancholic youth songs in karaoke in the living room or endlessly watching Korean historical dramas.

That was probably the only thing Jessica and I agreed on – we didn't like seeing her sad. Don't want to upset mom? Don't ask unnecessary questions about her relatives. You couldn't even imagine the crazy guesses my sister and I made about our mom's family. Some were practically on the brink of fantasy, like something out of an episode of American Horror Story.

"Your room is cool, and your house is really cute!" I said when Ishani returned with a whole tray of food.

"Thanks," Ishani said, looking down. She barely managed to bring the huge tray filled with all sorts of goodies and aromatic tea.

"You seem kind of embarrassed! Did I say something wrong?"

"No, everything's fine, I just haven't had guests for a year. When Irene turned to the dark side, she started ignoring me. It was also weird that mom didn't stop being friends with Irene's mom. Can you imagine that?"

"I can't, to be honest. My mom didn't really get along with any of my friends' moms from my previous school. Lone wolf. A careerist wolf, I'd say. But I guess that's really weird."

"Lucky you. Better this way than knowing that your mom keeps talking to the parents of your former friends. Do you think that's why she rushed off when we came? To yoga, and who else goes to yoga, right, Irene's mom. They pretend like we didn't have a falling out and just keep on being friends as usual. Why can't they just follow the code like everyone else?"

"These adults are something else."

"Said the one who's turning eighteen next week. Why are you looking at me like that? Your mom let something slip."

"And I thought she couldn't gossip!"

"My mom will talk to anyone. Don't thank me! My birthday isn't until November, the second of November. Born between pumpkins and Christmas garlands: a holiday interlude."

"I don't think my mom will plan anything like that. Last year was a disaster. I had a big fight with her and told her to forget about that day forever."

"That's a serious statement! Tell me more!" Ishani sat next to me, offering me a cup of tea as if an old retired officer offers his former combat buddy a glass of strong whiskey.

"She decided that making Jessica the organizer of the surprise party would be better. Mom thought she was cool and would do everything right for the teenagers. This jerk Jeasica really did everything right, everything right for Jessica: she invited all her disgusting friends, like Bianca's friends, and deliberately didn't invite anyone from mine. The birthday turned into a princess Jessica's name day... you get the idea. I was furious, said all sorts of things to them, after that day I honestly thought we would never talk again. I made up with my mom, of course, but I honestly hate Jessica. As soon as we leave our mother's house, I'll never talk to Jess again."

"Wow... that's intense! Dang."

"I haven't even told you about Jessica's grandma yet. After talking to that special lady, you'd need to buy a subscription to a psychiatrist right away: a childhood trauma for life."

"More tea?"

I sadly nodded, offering my cup.

"Wanna play Genshin Impact?"

I nodded again gratefully – now that's what I call a friend.

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