The hanging of a lost boy

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The trio walked to the gym in silence, all with their own versions of dread.

Naegi was scared to see his friends turn to desperate measures again, he didn't want another ally turned into prey.

Kirigiri was anxious to find out more about the mysteries of this place, but was terrified of what would have to happen for that to be achieved.

And Maizono, possibly the most nervous, just hoped he could prevent any more deaths. He hated death, even without his memories he felt it followed him like a shadow.

Naegi was visibly scared, shoulders straightened and eyes forward. Kirigiri didn't show even the smallest hint of her true emotion, pushing her logical thought first and committing everything to memory. Maizono wasn't hiding everything, but there was a sinister feeling of relief he hated: the knowledge he can't possibly lose more.

As a trio they walked, and as a trio they arrived at the gym - taking up space amongst the few who got there first.

There was quite a distance between them now, subconsciously preparing for what was next and allowing each their space.

The air was tense, the room silent as they waited with bated breath for the bear to appear.

There was one thing Maizono knew for sure. He may have gotten lucky last time, but he sure as hell was getting a motive this time. Would it prove his undoing?


After the stragglers caught up, there was the signature sound of Monokuma entering - and sure enough, the monochromatic horror jumped up onto the podium on stage.

He looked at them all with a grin, paw on his face.
"I'll give it to ya straight! Cause' I still gotta lota drinking to do!
I look out at you kids, and you know what I see?
A bunch of teenagers who aren't dead!"

He was making dramatic actions with his arms, shaking his butt as he did so.
"Major bummer! That's why Imma light a fire under yer tuchas's to get things movin'! Maybe a real one, don't tempt me!"

The room had shared reaction.

"With that in mind, today's theme is-" He held out an envelope with our names assigned to one each.
"Embarrassing memories! Or- the past secrets you want kept secret! Yolloh!!"
He threw the envelopes up in the air, them scattering about the gym.

Instantly, everyone went to locating theirs and gingerly picking them up.
Maizono slowly stepped towards his, picking it up and staring at the unopened letter. He had this sickly sense, this voice in his ear that said he already knew what it was... But how? How would they know?
The same as everyone else, he opened his and took a breath of preparation. Slowly unfolding it, he scanned the hand written note - immediately hating the contents.

Y/n Maizono is a transgender man.

Everyone started reacting, shock - horror - embarrassment - the works. Maizono, on the other hand, had a scary realisation dawning on him...

How did he not think about this before? Something so obvious to his life that he just forgot. All of a sudden a wave of disgust entered his body, swiftly followed by anger as he crumpled the paper in his hands and stared at the bear.

"My meds." He spat, drawing the room.
"I forgot all about them....
But I'm not getting any symptoms of being off them."

Maizono didn't bother asking, he goddamned knew. They'd been here about a week now - and before he entered the school, he was already due another injection.

Monokuma laughed, tilting his head innocently. "Ohhhh, that? Well that's easy, Chief! I've been giving them to you!"

Maizono felt sick, and that was obvious to anyone watching him. His T shot was always administered on his upper thigh, which meant...

A part of me, a part of you (Kyoko x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now