letting go

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Tears threatened to spill from her eyes. But she pushes them back with pride..


He wants dawn. He can have her!!

running back to their room.

She grabs a duffle bag and stuffs as much of her stuff in it as she can carry.

She won't take his cars. She won't take anything of his only her clothing and the little bit of money she has..

Picking up her bag she looks around the room.

“Goodbye,” she whispers as she pushes.

Open the door only to meet Michael Standing there about Knock wide eyes looking between her and the bag he sighs.

“Take care of my sister and don't tell her where I've gone. Don't tell her i've left don't tell her anything just tell her I love her” cara Says as she pushes his past him and out of the packhouse.

Walking down to the border.

The guards attempt to stop her

“luna, where Are you going” they ask Looking nervously between themselves, she smiles and pets them both on the cheeks .

“I'm not your Luna, “ she whispers, “but please be safe. “

One last look over her shoulder she sets off for her new beginning..

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