the lesson

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Dinner had gone on smoothly until the after dinner drinks were served..

Many unmated alpha betas and Gammas came to flirt with me only to br sent away but austin.

“ The balls on this dichwads “ he muttered, pulling Emily close to him, breathing in her scent..

“ Hey caras hot if I was a guy and unmated, I would shoot my shot..” Emily laughed, making Austin roll his eyes..

“ Well, I know you are not. I've seen you in your birthday suit, plus I'm your mate.. so eww, that's my sister “ he says with a bright smile..

Since coming to the kingdom, Austin has been like a big brother she never had spoiling her, scolding her and showing her nothing but love..

Emily and Austin Relationship started so rocky everyone feared it would end before it began, but they over came and found peace and love with each other.

“Hey Emily, can I borrow that necklace ? “ Cara asked with a smile as the whole group stared at her in shock.

The necklace is charmed to hide you from your true mate even if he was next to you.

Emily wore it for a whole year hiding from Austin in fear he would never accept her being a witch wolf hybrid. But it was far from the truth he loved her the moment they met…

“ yeah sure but why? Don't you want a second chance “ Emily asked, her eyes filled with worry.

“ Yes, but not right now” Cara answers quickly as she looks around the room.

She was slightly afraid that if she found him, he would force her to leave the Kingdom. This was her home, and she never wanted to be ripped apart from it or her family..

“ When the times is right I'll take it off” she adds as everyone nods, sensing her fear.

“ Come with me to the office. I'll get it “ Emily says, kissing Austin on the cheek they walk away from the party together to the office.

“ Why are you scared “ Emily starts to ask as a group of lunas come towards them.

Word as spread quickly about her rejection with Arik, and she was sure they had a million questions..

Part of being la luna means to hold the mate bond to a very high standard. And I'm sure they were ready to start shit thinking she was hypocritical.

The group stopped in front of them and looked at each other seeing who was going to speak first.

After a long awkward silence. Luna Lucy of the Red River pack spoke first..

“ We just want to know.. um. “.

She looked very nervous and chewed her lip before blurting it out.

“ If the mate bond is so important, why did you reject yours” she says quickly as she steps back a little and takes a deep breath.

Cara closes her eyes and sighs deeply. “ A true mate bond is something that is important. Sometimes the goddess bonds you to someone for a lessen as Arik was my lessen “ Cara says, opening her eyes, and she looks at all the lunas whose faces were shocked..

“ What lessen “ another luna asks, and Cara smirks, looking over her shoulder she spots Arik curled around Dawn. “ That is for me to know ladies.. now if you excuse us, we need to run to the office real fast.”

Looking back at them and starting to walk, either they will move or get knocked down. Emily says nothing as they walk into the office and shut the door. With a sigh, Emily walks behind Austin's desk and kneels down to the bottom drawer, pulling it open the pulls out a cast-iron box, and holds it up.

“ Once I took it off, Austin took it to keep it safe” she says as she stands up and pulls open the lid. A simple leather chained Pendent lays at the bottom. Pulling it out, she slips it onto her neck. The weight she felt lift earlier is right back into place, and she sighs.

As they go to leave Emily grabs caras arm quickly and stops her “ Cara what was your lessen “ she wishes and caras heart freezes in her chest as a single tear rolls down her cheek “ it's a long one but the simple part is that both mates should accept eachother for the good and bad” she says as she brushes the tear away and smiles hugging Emily tight.

“ Like Austin accepting me as me” Emily whispers as a tear rolls down her cheek now..

“ Yes, Emmy. Arik always saw me as weak and in capable. And for so long, I thought the same, then I came home, and all of you have shown me that's far from the truth “ Cara says, brushing away her tears.

“ I am capable of anything as long as my family is with me “ she adds as she hugs Emily again tightly. 

“ Come on, let's go back to our family “ Cara says as she takes Emilys hand and leads her out of the office back towards their group in the main hall. 

As they walk hand in hand towards their group, the back doors to the hall burst open, sending a cold wind into the large room. As everyone looks towards the doors, a large man followed by two other men fill the door..

“Well now all the alpha are here” Miguel says, his voice laced with annoyance.

“ That's alpha Donavan “ evelyn says as she rubs her hand down Miguel's arm, calming him.

“ Yes and my annoying baby brother” Miguel adds as he turns pulling evelyn closer to him, pushing his nose into her hair to calm him more.

The room is filled with whispers as Donavan scans the room and spots them, leaving the door . Some maids quickly shut the doors as he walks towards our group.

Stopping a few feet away, cara can now see Donavan closer. He few inches shorter than Miguel, but with wider shoulder, he long black hair is pulled into a ponytail at the top of his head, and his crystal blue eyes sparkle in the low lights of the dinning room

“Brother” Donavan says, never taking his eyes off Miguel as he holds out his arm.

“Hello Donnie “ Miguel replies, grabbing his arm they pull each other into a hug.

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