The Summitt

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Life has gone pretty much normal throughout the kingdom, but now it's time for the summit that alphas lunas betas and Gammas from all the packs will be coming to the kingdom.

It was time for their three day training seminar in peace  treaty agreements...

Cara would be sitting in with the lunas and Gammas for the training.

To say she was stressed was an under statement..

Pulling her long now black curls into a clip, she rolled her eyes and watched her favorite ladies get ready behind her..

Evelyn and emily.. the two ladies she loved like sisters..

Emily was austin, Mate, Evelyn, the queen, and Miguel mate.

“ I hope shit goes smooth tonight “ Evelyn grumbles as she smooths out the front of her long cream dress

“ You and me both” Cara says as she slips her feet into her heels and stands up 

“ tonight you can reject that dickhead Arik.. him and his chosen luna will be here” Emily says with a smirk..

For years Cara has felt the pain of them. Every kiss everytime they fucked..

when he marked her..

she felt like a red hot dagger was being shove into every part of her body..

Miguel wanted to rip Arik apart for all of it but Evelyn calmed him down and told him it wasn't his fight..

it never calmed him completely but he was going to let Cara fight this on her own..

Tonight she was end the pain.. she just prayed the goddess blessed her with a second chance..

Hours of fake smiles and handshakes most of the higher rankings members of all the packs where here..

each state had one sometimes two alphas.. 
mostly the bigger state like Texas and Alaska had more.

but the kingdom was in texas, so technically, there was three…

the only states or packs missing at the moment was the lightning pack from Mississippi and the storm pack from Alaska..

Secretly, Cara had hoped lighting pack would show up earlier so she could see her sister and Michael, and she could reject Arik and get it over with..

A small cocktail party was taking place before dinner..

Cara smiled and leaned on the bar next to shawn, and even as Emily and Evelyn made laps with their mates..

She giggled softly to even as shawn made random jokes about how some of the guests acted towards the king and beta.. 

Suddenly, it felt hard for Cara to breathe, and she felt like she was being watched. She looked around until her eyes landed on Alpha Arik and his higher rankings pack members.

She swollen hard and stood up straight, grabbing Evens Scotch from him she downed it and nodded.

“ Get ready for a real show” she muttered to them as she made her way toward them..

Ignoring Arik Cara reached from her sister first

“Sara I've missed you so much “ she says with a smile as she hugs her sister tight. Stepping back, she smiles at Michael, who pulls her into a tight hug after sara, letgo

“ we've miss you too” michael says with a big smile..

“ Love the hair change “ Sara giggles, brushing a loose curl behind Caras ear.. A loud cough pulls. They're attention to Arik..

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