Chapter 36- Remember?

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Alastors POV:

"Are you here? Am I imagining you?" I asked holding her as close as I possibly could.

She could be a hallucination but I couldn't feel or touch them. This time, I can feel her trembling breaths. She's here.

"It's me Alastor, I promise. I thought I lost you forever." She sobbed.

"As you can see, I'm not dead. So you are stuck with me. " I chuckled and she cupped my face, wiping my tears with her thumb.

"I missed you so much."

"You were the reason I kept going." I mumbled.

"I heard you on the radio, I kept smiling like you told me too." She looked up at me and lifted her fingers to her mouth, mimicking a smile.

"How did you get here?" I asked and was looking around her body if she had any wounds or cuts, She was completely unharmed but covered in semi-dried up blood.

"I killed a dude and showed the police" She shrugged.

"How did you do it, mon amour? " I smirked and deepened my voice.

"Snapped his neck and sliced his head off, although his neck bone was very hard to separate..." She hummed.

That's hot.

"That's absolutely horrifying!" I gasped and leaned down.

"Please continue~" I whispered in her ear.

"... and I just carried it to the station, threw it across the floor it made a longggggg trail of blood and boom! One way ticket to youuuuu~" She winked and stood on her tip-toes. I held her waist and the air around us became hot.

I've ached for your touch my love

"Let my tongue show you how much I missed you, chère." My grip was strong, as we were about to close the gap a voice interrupted and coughed loudly.

" *AHEM* Alright that's enough. Cmon Y/N" A doctor spoke up. "You can see each other again another time, and don't do all that lovey-dovey shit  "

"What? No!" She exclaimed and squeezed my hand.

"You should listen to them..." I muttered and y/n glared into my eyes.

"Alastor?" She looked baffled by what I told her to do.

"Alastor why aren't you fighting back? You're happy to see me right?!" She said and the guard grabbed her upper arm and dragged her.

"ALASTOR do something. Why are you just standing there?!" She screamed and I looked away.

I'm doing you a favor, they would have hurt me and you.

"I'm sorry." And I was left alone again.


"LET ME GO!" You clawed against the guards harsh grasp.

"YOU said if we let you see him you will behave. Clearly you lied." The doctor sharply glared down at you, annoyed and betrayed.

You suddenly stopped and the guard yanked your arm, you bit down extremely hard on his hand, He flinched back and let go. You kicked him in the groin and he winced in pain and fell to his knees. He was breathing through his gritted teeth.

The doctor called out for backup and two guards came running around the corner. They rushed over to you and held your arms over their shoulders , dragging you to a white, padded room.

Your legs were kicking and scratching on the floor, trying to escape their clutches. It was pointless and you just sighed.

They held you down and you saw the doctor approach with a white straight jacket.

"No, please" You begged but to no avail.

~tiny time skip~

They tug hard on the straps and you sharply inhaled.

"I don't like it, please take it off. I feel trapped." You asked and squirmed around trying to shimmy out of it.

"That's what it's supposed to feel like you fool. Now, maybe you will think twice before biting and attacking someone. You are as feral as Alastor. We are trying to help you dear" He explained.

"How the fuck is this helping, you are doing the complete opposite! The Alastor I remember would've protected and stood up for me... you did something to him and I will make you regret it soon." You said, narrowing your eyes.

"What that a pathetic attempt of a threat? He laughed.
"You just proved what I stated y/n. He's much calmer now, isn't he?" The doctor tskd.
"You act like you have two completely separate people living in the same body. The officer was right when he said you can snap." He closed the door.


You swiftly breathed out and shuffled over like a worm to the corner of the room, leaning your back against the wall.

You looked down at the floor and muttered a few cuss words under your breath.

I don't understand, what did they do to him? I'll get his spark back.


Smallish chapter because I'm super tired and I wanted to write it out before I fell asleep.

I just got 2k reads, thank you 💕

I just got 2k reads, thank you 💕

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Here's a ferret to comfort you. <3

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