Chapter 59- Understanding

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Your lower abdomen felt cramped, it was a sharp pain and a constant ache. Your eyes filled with tears and you couldn't stop them from falling out.

I get periods, just very rarely...although when I do the pain is nearly unbearable and my whole body feels like it's being crushed, my mood swings are random and it's hard to stop myself from crying. I hate this...

You sat on the floor with your back against the bed frame, sniffling away your tears. You curled up with your legs to your chest trying to stop the agony, you didn't notice the bedroom door opening.

"Are you alright, can we talk about it?" Alastor spoke with a concerned, gentle tone.

You burst out sobbing again and he kneeled down next to you. "Hey, I'm here...what's going on?" He rubbed your back gently to comfort you.

"I'm sorry for lying and for saying horrible words to you. You are not like all other men and I know you would never harm me...can I have a hug?" You stuttered and he immediately embraced you,  the feeling of stress and tenseness faded away.

"Why are you crying so much?" He asked and looked down at you, worryingly.

"Just my hormonal changes cause this, don't worry." You laughed through your tears and trembly breaths.

"Can you explain what's going on, mon amour?" He held your hand and stroked it with his thumb.

"I get periods but infrequently, when I do I get intense pain and it lasts over a week." You sighed.

"Oh, is there anything I can do to help?" His expression was sympathetic and he stood up.

"Something hot to eat or drink would be nice..."

Mimzy's POV:

I needed the extra cash, plus I owe Alastor so of course I agreed to aid them.

Y/n told me that a woman saw her I'm guessing that's why they had an argument, I do hope she's okay... Alastor can get quite threatening at times.

~time skip~

I finally arrived at the general store, it had eye-catching, front window displays and I unfolded the list in my hands.

Alastor really needed a great deal of it doesn't matter, I know I'll be paid generously.

As I collected the supplies I spotted a grey hot water bottle, they were only newly invented.

This will help ease y/n...

~time skip~

The cashier looked slightly distracted and distressed as she counted my items.

I normally would just ignore it but I had a gut feeling that this was the exact same woman that witnessed the murder.

"Everything okay sweetie?" I asked.

She snapped out of her daze and shook her head.

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