Chapter 84- Death

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You were chatting away to a frail, kindhearted old lady who owned the quaint boutique you were wandering around in. The shop was filled to the brim with delicate, detailed dresses. Although, the wallpaper was peeling and you could tell the boutique wasn't regularly cleaned.

"These are absolutely gorgeous, where did you get them?" You asked, kindly looking over at her.

"Every single piece of clothing is made by my hands, is there anything you are interested in?" She smiled softly, looking at the dresses surrounding you.

"How much is this?" You unhooked a dress off a hanger and held it up carefully, not wanting to damage the fabric.

"Everything needs to go...I'll make it free." She was still smiling, trying to hide her mournful expression.

"Why? These clothes are beautifully made? Surely you want to be paid enough to fund-"

"Nope, I'm closing my boutique down. My husband died a few years ago, it's getting harder to look after this old shop alone without his help." She interrupted and felt the fabric of the dress you were holding, her eyes were glossy.

That's a shame...

"I can help you out, I'm looking for a job anyways!" You offered.

"Thank you dear..." She patted your hand softly. "...but I'm getting older by the minute, I should've retired years ago." She chuckled, wiping her eyes to compose herself.

"I understand, let me give you some cash, it's the least I can do." You pulled out some money from your pocket.

"Oh sweetie, no need to do that. I have the right amount to live comfortably till I pass." She dismissed you with a flick of her wrist.

"How do you say all this stuff nonchalantly? Are you not scared know...pass away?" You asked.

"Why be scared of the inevitable?" She shrugged.
"My Granddaughter also passed away recently, she was the last light of my life. She taught me through that tragedy just how fleeting and fragile life is. If you waste your time worrying about death, which will come upon you anyway. You will waste precious time and energy that could be used living in whatever time you have..."

You were taken aback from her words, which made you rather tearful.

"...Don't cry, dearie. Enjoy your life. Face it with excitement and wonder. And be grateful for every moment you have."

That was beautiful

"What was your granddaughters name?" You sniffled, trying to contain the tears that were falling down your cheeks.

"It was Evelyn, I think she just got into another bad relationship. I always told her to be careful but I'll see her soon and I can't wait for that moment."

But she's dammed to hell because Roo took over her...

You wiped away your regretful, melancholy tears and hugged her gently, not wanting to cause her any physical pain.

I shouldn't have helped Evelyn. She would still be alive...


"Good afternoon ladies!" Alastors voice beamed as the doorbell rang when he entered.

"Oh hello..." You stuttered still a bit tearful from the conversation you just had and turned to face him. You noticed a considerable amount of bags he held in his hands. "Wow, I don't expect that many gifts. I only got you something small" You chuckled.

"Oh these are all for Nifty! What's that?~" he leaned down with a smirk, his eyes looking at the small red box in your hands which contained his monocle.

"Your present, it was a killer to get." You winked up at him. He only hummed in annoyance at your 'joke'.

"Are you two a couple?" The elderly lady spoke.

"Indeed we are! She's my fiancé." Alastor proudly smiled which made you feel loved.

Awh, so sweet~

"Oh that's lovely, I wish you both many years of lifelong happiness together. Cherish every moment!" She congratulated you.

"Thank you, we must be off now. It's getting dark soon." Alastor held open the door for you to exit.

"I'll be back soon uhh...what's your name again?" You asked the old lady.

"Josephine." She replied with a soft smile.

"Oooo thats a very pretty name you have Josephine, well I'll be back soon to take a bunch of your clothes if that okay." You chuckled and waved goodbye.

You were heading back to the car and Alastor paused, looking down at you.

"What happened."

"That's Evelyn's grandmother, we were just having a conversation about death and all that. It made my heart sink, why do I feel so depressed about this?" You sniffled and he tilted his head to the side, looking down at you.

"Oh, that feeling will pass." Alastor shrugged and continued to walk.

You don't understand...


Story time:

I got stung by a wasp and now I'm going to burn their nest with hairspray and a lighter.

Flamethrower those motherfuckers.

Literally me^

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Literally me^


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I SHOCKED MYSELF WRITING THIS. I had to delete it because it was kinda bold of Alastor to say it in-front of a old lady plus he's a gentleman 😭😭

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