Chapter 96- Cold

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~three days later~

Alastors POV:

I awoke at night when I felt a sudden burning temperature on my skin. Y/N was fast asleep but was sweating and slightly trembling, I placed my hand on her forehead and she was hot to the touch.

We have multiple layers of blankets covering us because of the frigid temperature of the blizzard outside, I felt normal maybe just a bit cold but that's it.

"Y/n?" I whispered nudging her body gently.

"Mmm...lemme sleep..." She mumbled, pulling the covers closer to her.

Is she not hot?

"Y/n you are boiling, do you feel okay?" I pulled the blankets off her quickly and she gasped, curling up into a ball.

"Hey! Give that back It's freezing!" She snapped, grabbing the blankets.

"That's impossible you are practically an oven."

"I don't understand? If this is a silly joke to get back at me and Nifty it's not funny." She spoke bitterly and I got up with a huff.

I need to see if the reason is her or it's just the heated surroundings.

"Alastor what the fuck?! It's like 3 in the morning?!" I picked her up bridal style and opened our bedroom door with my foot, descending carefully down the stairs. She was trying to get out of my arms but her body was so weak and tired that she didn't have a chance.

"Just behave. This is important." I muttered.

"Behave?" She looked up at me all flustered. "I like that~"

Oh! Note taken.

"Not now chère." I smirked down at her.

"Where are we going?"

"Outside." I shrugged and kicked open the back door. Stepping outside, still holding her close.

"Are you mad?!" She stuttered, her breaths were misty and she looked up at me extremely annoyed.


"Alastor it's fucking freezing! Let me down!"

"I want to stay out here for a few moments, it's serious..." I looked down at her sternly.

If this is the reaction of powder thing Roo gave her...

"...How do you feel?"

"Angry, annoyed, cold and so close to lock you outside all night if you don't let me down right this instant. " She demanded.

I placed her down and she shivered in the frosty breeze, the Forrest was engulfed in snow and glistening icicles hanged from the branches.

I felt her temperature again and she was still burning, I patted around her body and she was incredibly hot all over.

"Are you sure you feel okay? You have a really high temperature."

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