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The Justice League was struck with shock after Hazelle's explosive revelation about her relationship with Batman. Green Lantern's jaw dropped as he exclaimed, "Batman, your father?!" The rest of the League was equally dumbfounded. 

Shadow Fox, tears streaming down her face, confirmed the news, "Yes, he is. And that's why I'm worried sick about his disappearance." She turned to The Martian ManHunter and confessed, "I was scared you wouldn't help me if I had told you the truth from the start." J'onn looked at Shadow Fox with a heavy heart and said, "Even if you had told us earlier, we would have offered our unwavering support." 

Shadow Fox smiled gratefully at him, and Green Lantern quickly added, "J'onn is right. We would have had your back no matter what, Foxy. And we still do." Aquaman chimed in, "He's your father, which makes him family to us. We're with you, Foxy, and we'll stay by your side until the end." Shadow Fox turned to see the others beaming at her.

"Thank you." 

Superman places his muscular hand on the young girl's shoulder, his blue eyes locking onto hers. "Shall we head to Metropolis?" He asks in his deep, commanding voice. The girl beams up at him, her face alight with excitement. "Yes," She replies eagerly. 

As the members of the Justice League prepare to leave the Batcave, Shadow Fox, Batman's daughter, grabs a few batrangs, grappling hooks and guns, her slim fingers deftly loading her tools. Flash runs circles around her, his red suit a blur of motion, and asks with genuine curiosity, "Hey, Foxy? If Batman's your dad, then who is he, you know, without it?" 

Shadow Fox pauses, her eyes flickering with a hint of mischief and something else, something deeper. "Did you watch the news about any disappearances within the past two weeks?" She asks, her voice low and measured. Superman, who had been standing quietly in the background, perks up at the question, his super-hearing picking up the faintest tremble of something significant. 

"There have been two disappearances," He confirms, his brow furrowed in concentration. "Bruce Wayne and Ethan Cobblepot." The others gasp in shock, their eyes widening as they realize the implications of Shadow Fox's words. 

"Cobblepot is related to Penguin," Green Lantern speaks up, his emerald ring glowing faintly. "And Bruce Wayne is Gotham's prince, I believe." Aquaman's eyes widen as he gasps, "No..." Cyborg and J'onn reel back in shock, their mechanical and alien features reflecting their disbelief. 

Flash mutters under his breath, his mind racing with the implications of what they've just learned. "It can't be..." He whispers, his heart racing with a mixture of fear and excitement.  

As Shadow Fox removed her mask, Superman's eyes widened in disbelief. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Hazelle Wayne, Bruce Wayne's daughter, stood before him with her lengthy hair cascading down her shoulders. Her eyes sparkled with a fierce determination as she returned his stare. 

"Wait, you're Bruce Wayne's daughter?" Superman asked, his voice laced with shock. Hazelle nodded, a smirk playing on her lips. "He adopted me when I was seven," She replies, her tone confident. Wonder Woman approached her, her eyes fixed on Hazelle. "So, you're Hazelle Wayne," She said, smiling at her warmly. "It's good to finally meet you." 

Hazelle returned the smile, her eyes shining with excitement. "It's good to meet you too," She spoke. But the surprises didn't end there. Flash locked eyes with Green Arrow before turning to Hazelle. "He's Batman," He said, his voice low. Hazelle couldn't help but stifle a laugh that built in her chest. "Yes, he is," She confirmed, her eyes twinkling mischievously. 

Superman stared at her in disbelief. "How long have you known he was Batman?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper. Hazelle smiled, her eyes warm. "I found out when I was ten. He trained me, and by the time I was twelve, I was fighting alongside him," She answered, her voice full of pride. 

Justice League: Batman's MissingWhere stories live. Discover now