Team Bonding

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It was a rainy Tuesday as all the girls arrived to help Olivia and Eva move into their new house. Lily and Emily giggled and babbled happily in their pram as they watched the bustling activity around them.

"Wow, Liv, this place is amazing!" exclaimed Beth as she entered the house, carrying a box of kitchen utensils. "You and Eva are going to love living here."

"Yeah, it's perfect," Katie chimed in, balancing a stack of books in her arms. "And just think, you'll have plenty of room for all of Eva's football trophies!"

Liv laughed, her cheeks flushing slightly at the playful teasing. "Thanks, guys," she said, grateful for their support. "We're really excited to make this place our own."

"Alright, team, let's get to work!" declared Beth, rolling up her sleeves and setting her box down in the kitchen. "We've got a house to move into!"

"Sounds like a plan," Katie chimed in, setting the books down in the living room. "But first, can we all agree that whoever finds the coffee maker gets dibs on the first cup?"

Liv laughed, feeling grateful for this team being around her. "Thanks, guys," she said, her voice filled with emotion. "This means the world to me."

"It means the world to us, both of us." Eva added with a chuckle, smiling at Olivia as she took the twins out of their pram and brought them into the living room to crawl around. "Now, no one step on the babies."

"I can take them if you want. I probably won't be too much help organising to be honest. I can set up the cots and stuff in the nursery, and keep them in there with me for a little while." Viv offered.

Beth looked at her and laughed. "You're just trying to get out of carrying boxes. And you get baby cuddles as a bonus!" She said jokingly.

"I'll admit it's an upside." Viv responded, not seeming the least bit sorry

Liv turned to them, chuckling herself as she said "If you're willing to sit in a room with 10 month old twins for a couple hours, I'll certainly appreciate it. Come and get us if you need anything alright?"

Viv nodded, picking up the babies, and bringing them upstairs, cooing to them in dutch on the way. "You two are going to be bilingual babies! Do you know what that means?" She cooed to them.

"I can hear you Viv!" Olivia shouted up the stairs with a laugh. "Not that I'm objecting, you just have to teach me too so I don't end up with toddlers asking me for things in a language I don't understand."

Everyone laughed at that, and went back to bringing boxes inside and unpacking them. There was rather a lot of stuff, so it was definitely going to take all day.

As the day went on, Liv and Eva found themselves working together, unpacking boxes and arranging furniture with ease. Lily and Emily, under the watchful eye of Auntie Viv, crawled around the living room, exploring every nook and cranny.

"Look, Lily, it's a teddy bear!" Eva exclaimed, holding up a plush toy for the twins to see. Lily squealed with delight, reaching out to grab the toy with chubby fingers. Emily also looked, but got a little startled and scooted over to Viv for a cuddle.

Meanwhile, Beth, Steph, Kyra, Less, Kim, Caitlin, Leah, Lia, Vic, Laura and Katie worked tirelessly to help Liv and Eva settle into their new home. Between unpacking boxes and assembling furniture, there was more than enough work for everyone, though some good old Taylor Swift helped lighten the mood. Leah had brought a speaker, and was, of course, the DJ. They spent most of the day singing along to some team favourites, including Cornelia Street.

"Hey, Liv, where do you want these?" called out Steph, holding up a stack of picture frames.

"Over there, next to the couch, please," replied Liv, gesturing to a blank wall. "Thanks, Steph!"

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