Two Steps Back

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Slight TW for this chapter, there are some mentions of homophobia towards the beginning. Take care of yourselves!


"Did you miss me?" The haunting voice asked as she scrambled to her feet, stumbling on the curb.

"Why are you here?" Liv asked, trying her hardest to keep a calm and normal voice.

He smiled, leaning towards her. "Why do you think I'm here sweetheart?" He grinned gleefully. "To take my kids back."

"You're not going to find them here" She said, taking a step back. "Unlike you, I don't think bars are the right places for my 2 young children to hang out."

"Right, but you do think that making my children accept 2 women as their mothers is acceptable." He said, with a disgusted expression on his face.

"Tom, look, you need to leave. Now." Liv said, beginning to walk towards the door of the bar. "If you want custody, do it in court. If any of my teammates notice you here, you will be on the way to hospital before jail." She laughed, walking past him. Just as she had grabbed the door handle, she felt Tom's rough hands wrap around her wrist, pulling her back.

"Not so fast." He laughed mockingly, "You thought you could just walk away did you?" He taunted, his grip so tight it hurt. He pulled her closer.

"Did you miss me?" The haunting voice asked as she scrambled to her feet, stumbling on the curb.

"Why are you here?" Liv asked, trying her hardest to keep a calm and normal voice.

He smiled, leaning towards her. "Why do you think I'm here, sweetheart?" He grinned gleefully. "To take my kids back."

"You're not going to find them here," she said, taking a step back. "Unlike you, I don't think bars are the right places for my two young children to hang out."

"Right, but you do think that making my children accept two women as their mothers is acceptable." He said, with a disgusted expression on his face.

"Tom, look, you need to leave. Now," Liv said, beginning to walk towards the door of the bar. "If you want custody, do it in court. If any of my teammates notice you here, you will be on the way to the hospital before jail." She laughed, walking past him. Just as she had grabbed the door handle, she felt Tom's rough hands wrap around her wrist, pulling her back.

"Not so fast." He laughed mockingly, "You thought you could just walk away, did you?" He taunted, his grip so tight it hurt. He pulled her closer. "You think you can just take my kids and turn them into some kind of sideshow for your sick, perverted lifestyle?" His voice low and dangerous.

Liv felt a surge of fear but kept her voice steady. "Tom, let go of me. This isn't the way to handle things. Just leave before things get worse."

"Oh, they're going to get worse alright," Tom sneered. "You're nothing but a disgrace. How dare you think you can raise my kids with that disgusting girlfriend of yours."

Liv's anger flared. "Eva is a better parent than you'll ever be. She loves them, and she loves me. Get over it, Tom. This is our life now, without you."

His eyes darkened, and before she could react, he slapped her hard across the face. The impact sent her staggering back against the wall.

Just then, the door swung open, and Eva appeared. "Liv?" She called, looking around. Her eyes quickly landed on Liv pushed up against the building. "Liv!" she screamed, rushing to her. She stood protectively in front of Liv, glaring at Tom. "Get away from her, now!"

Tom smirked but took a step back. "What are you gonna do, huh?"

Eva's voice was cold and furious. "Girls!" she shouted into the bar. Within moments, several of their teammates appeared, surrounding Tom.

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