Blue or Red

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A/N: Chapter done, so posted a day early! Happy almost Friday! Brief note for this chapter: any dialogue in italics means that they're speaking in dutch!


"Come on Liv!" Eva shouted from the front door. "We're going to be late to a party down the street."

"I'm coming!" Liv responded, walking down the stairs in her sweatpants and oversized t-shirt. "You know everyone else is going to be late as well." She said, bending over to put her shoes on. Just then, her brother Ben and his girlfriend Olvia walked around the corner with the twins in their arms.

"Have fun guys." Ben said, giving them each a hug. "What time will you be back?"

"Probably 9.30 or so." Eva said, picking up her coat. "Kim will make sure everyone gets home early for bed." Ben nodded, and Eva and Liv each gave the babies a kiss each. "See you!" They said, closing the door and walking down the street to Katie and Caitlins house. They were hosting a bit of a team social tonight, before their game against Chelsea the next day. Obviously there would be no alcohol, but Beth and Steph went shopping earlier for some popcorn and a little bit of candy. They obviously couldn't eat too much candy, but a little wouldn't hurt. They arrived only 5 minutes later, Laura and Vic arrived at the same time as well.

"Hey guys!" Vic shouted, getting out of the car. Liv and Eva both said hello, and they all went inside where Katie was already setting up the living room so everyone would have somewhere to sit.

"Hiya you lot!" Katie shouted, jumping off the couch to say hi. "How's everyone doing?"

"We're good thanks." Liv said while Eva grabbed their coats and hung them up. "What do you need us to do?"

"Nothing, I don't think." Katie said, leading the way to the kitchen. "Cait has some juice and soda here, take your pick." Everyone else was already in the kitchen grabbing stuff, and it was a bit busy.

"Why don't we go sit down in the living room and I'll come grab some drinks for us in a bit." Eva offered, wrapping her arm around Liv's waist. She led her into the living room, and they took one of the lounge chairs, since it was big enough for the both of them. Everyone else joined them quickly, sitting down all over the room and getting comfy. After a couple of minutes, everyone was sitting down and chatting, so Eva got up to grab drinks. "What do you want?" She whispered to Liv.

"Umm, I'll have a Diet Coke please." Liv responded, "Thanks love!"

"Okay everyone!" Katie shouted, getting everyone to quiet down and listen. "I'm going to pass it off to our awesome captain now!" Katie sat down, and Kim stood up.

"So as you know this is a team bonding night, so we're going to play some games." Kim said, looking around the room. "We're going to play some truth or dare, charades and then some Trivia!" Everyone cheered, knowing that Kim made some awesome trivia questions. "Then, everyone is going to be heading home by 9.15 so we are rested for the big game tomorrow. But until then, we only have a couple of rules. First, no alcohol, obviously, second, no talking about the game tomorrow, and everyone be nice to each other. But I know that last one goes without saying." She laughed, looking around the room. "Okay, who wants to go first in Truth or Dare?" She asked.

"I'll go!" Lia shouted. "Steph, truth or dare?"

"Truth," Steph responded cautiously.

"Okay, who is your favourite teammate at Arsenal?" She asked, already knowing the answer.

"Easy, Beth. But Jen would be tied with her if she was still here." She said with a grin.

After a couple more turns Eva came back with drinks for her and Liv. She sat down next to her and wrapped her arm around her. "Truth or Dare?" She asked Liv. Liv just nodded, and snuggled closer to Eva.

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