Home Sweet Home

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"I'm afraid I have some news," the doctor began, her voice gentle but firm. "Lily has Epilepsy. She's experiencing Tonic Clonic seizures."

Liv's heart sank at the doctor's words, a wave of fear washing over her as she processed the diagnosis. Eva pulled her closer, reaching for her hand.

Eva squeezed Liv's hand reassuringly, looking over with a determined look on her face. "We'll get through this together," she murmured, her voice filled with conviction. "We'll do whatever it takes to keep Lily safe and healthy."

The doctor nodded, her expression sympathetic as she explained the treatment plan for Lily. She provided them with detailed instructions on how to care for Lily at home, including medication schedules and what to do if she had a seizure.

"We'll start Lily on medication right away to help control her seizures," the doctor explained, her voice calm and reassuring. "And we'll schedule regular check-ups to monitor her progress."

Liv and Eva listened as the doctor outlined the next steps, their minds buzzing with information. They were relieved to finally have some answers, but they knew that their journey was far from over.

"You guys can both stay tonight if you want, since it's already midnight." The doctor said, looking at her watch. "I will make sure you have a private room, and you should be able to leave in the morning." The doctor left the room, promising to check on them in the morning.

After they were brought to their room, Eva rocked Lily to sleep before setting her down in the cot in the room. Eva sat down beside Olivia who was already on the couch, pulling her into her chest. "Try and get some sleep love, you need to be rested for tomorrow." She said, kissing the top of her head.

"Keep an eye on her, and wake me up if anything happens. Okay?" Liv asked, turning to look at Eva.

"Of course, get some sleep." She whispered, "Ik hou van jou."

"Ik hou ook van jou" Olivia whispered, turning to nuzzle her nose into Eva's chest.

Olivia fell asleep quickly, though Eva stayed up the entire night. She carefully watched the monitors, taking comfort in the rhythmic beeping showing Lily's heart beat.

The next morning, Eva snuck out from beneath Liv, who was still sleeping peacefully. She checked on Lily, who was just starting to wake up. She picked her up gently and walked towards the family kitchen to make a coffee. Lily babbled happily, blissfully unaware of her new reality. When Eva returned with Lily, Liv had just woken up. She smiled happily, getting up to kiss both of the girls on their foreheads. A couple minutes later the nurse came in and told them that they could bring Lily home from the hospital. The nurse left to grab some forms for them to sign and Lily's medication. Liv turned to Eva, a happy Lily in her arms.

"I can't believe this is happening," Liv whispered, her voice trembling as she looked down at Lily in her arms. "What are we going to do if something happens at home?"

Eva reached out to brush a stray tear from Liv's cheek, her heart aching at her girlfriend's pain. "I know, love," she murmured, pulling Liv into a gentle embrace, being careful of the baby in her arms. "But we'll figure this out together. We'll be strong for Lily and Emily."

Liv nodded, her eyes shining with tears as she leaned into Eva's embrace. "I'm just so scared," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know if I can handle seeing Lily in that state again..."

Eva tightened her arms around Liv, holding her close as she pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head. "I know love," she whispered. "We'll face this together, every step of the way. And we'll do whatever it takes to keep Lily healthy and happy."

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