Chapter 31

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The Princesses observed Nyx from afar, all three of them confused.

"What do you reckon she is doing?" Tulip asked with a frown, watching closely as Nyx lifted the huge stone in their hand in an odd manner, and Ceres tilted her head as she tried to guess the answer while Irene stayed silent.

After what happened with Esme and Aaliyah, Iris was heartbroken and hurt, but most of all, she was furious with Arawn. She blamed them for pushing her beloved best friend too far and endangering their bond. But, no matter how much she wished to, she could not go back on her word and she asked the sisters to look after the human to make sure they remained safe because Iris had a deep pungent feeling that they were very vital to not just Arawn but her future as well. So, the sisters asked their mates, Hannya and Fenrir, to accompany them as they went to look for Nyx and when they did find her, the human was performing what they could have only described as a ritual of some sort.

The human wore only their pants and a small top that Ceres knew was called a sports bra in the human realm— you can credit the one magazine she had once read while passing a small shop— but she did not understand why Nyx was laying flat on their back and lifting a rock above their head in certain moves as they huffed, clearly struggling with it as well. The human's face were stern with concentration, their brown skin glistening with sweat as they continued to perform the ritual, and Hannya was sure the rock would slip from their at any moment only to crush their skull. Now that was what troubled all of them because Iris wanted them to make sure Nyx remained safe and at ease for as long as they were here and it would have been a shame if the human ended up dying by their own hands.

Hannya turned to Irene with a solemn expression.

"I am going to stop her now. We must not let them die just," the demon princess knew better than to just do it without talking to Irene first but when the blue-haired princess did not even respond, Tulip did.

"I think we should wait a bit longer. This could be an important ritual and we can spoil it for Nyx. They look...pained," the sweet princess could not even lie, unsure just why the human was doing what was clearly hurting them, and they all looked at Fenrir when they grumbled lowly.

"Something you wish to share with us?" Tulip asked her mate sharply, offended at the way they reacted, and Haanya smirked when Fenrir's whole aura shifted into submission, their sharp face becoming soft too.

"It is not a ritual, princess... Nyx the human is exercising," the only one who knew exactly what the short human was trying to do was Fenrir, and as soon as they said that, Ceres's lips parted in realization while Tulip pursed her lips.

"I do not know what that is but it seems painful," Tulip replied in a low mumble, causing Fenrir to smile while their wolf purred lovingly, and none of them even realized that Nyx had approached them until they spoke.

"It is painful, I agree," the human was panting as they quickly put on their shirt, their short dark locks sticking to their forehead from her sweaty she was, and Tulip's eyes showed sympathy for them while Ceres scowled.

"Why perform a ritual that pains you? Are you trying to cast a spell? Do you even know how to cast a spell? Because I can show you a better way," Ceres offered most kindly, feeling bad for the poor human, and Nyx was shocked for only a fleeting moment before they burst into laughter.

"That's not... Exercising is not a ritual, Princess-- I mean, technically it is but that's not my point... I am not casting anything, sweet girl. I exercise so I can be fit and healthy and to maintain these," the woman lifted her shirt then, exposing her hard-earned abs, and everyone but Fenrir remained confused as they watched her.

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