Chapter 3

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After we unpacked, Duke and I left Luxe with Zach while we drove to the new house.

"Are you excited?" Duke laughed as he saw me stomping my feet in the floorboard of the passenger seat.

"Hell yeah! Ooh can we start picking out paints today?" I asked.

"Sure, if that's what you wanna do" he laughed again and held my hand.

"I love you" he said and kissed my hand.

"I love you too" I replied, containing my excitement.

The drive was only around 15 minutes and we came down the road.

"Is this it?" I asked as we drove down a dirt road.

"Yeah, we're one of 3 houses on the road, but we're at the very end" he said.

"Aw, well hopefully the neighbors are sweet" I said.

We drove for a minute until we pulled up to a driveway with trees on each side.

"Holy shit, here we go" I said and fixated myself in the seat to see.

We drove up and the house came in view.

We drove up and the house came in view

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"It's gorgeous" I said in awe.

I felt emotional almost. Either by growing up, having a home with Duke, or the feeling that we were living in the real world now.

Probably all if I was to be honest.

"Just like we imagined" Duke said.

We pulled in front of the house and got out of the truck.

"Okay wait, let's go look around the land first" I said and Duke nodded.

We walked past the house and garage and the barn caused me to smile.

We walked past the house and garage and the barn caused me to smile

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"Everything is gorgeous" Duke said.

"Yes it is" I replied.

I ran up and slid the door open and I gasped.

There was a horse. A real, horse.

"Who the hell?" Duke asked as he saw it.

She was a pretty girl, really.

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