Chapter 5

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We went home and Maddie grabbed my wrist before I could get out of the car.

"I want to tell dad before it's too late" she said.

"Then we tell all of them" I said and nodded.

We got out and I kissed her head with my arm wrapped around her shoulder.

"Dad, don't leave yet" Maddie said as we went in and seen he was grabbing his keys.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Sit down. All of you, sit down" I said.

I grabbed Luxe who was running, chasing Tigger.

"Stay right there" we said and walked into our room.

"Luxe, what's in mama's belly?" I asked and pointed.

"Can you say baby?" I asked.

"Abey" he said the best he could.

"That's right. Can you tell them all there's a baby in mama's belly?" Maddie asked him.

"Yeah!" He said excited.

We went out and I filmed on my phone.

"Hey Luxe, do you have something to tell them bubba?" I asked.

"Abey" he pointed at Maddie's stomach.

"Abey, abey, abey!" He exclaimed.

"What?!" Haley yelled as she got it.

"Your having a baby?" Hunter asked.

"Holy f- crap! What?!" Ryker yelled.

Maddie grabbed the picture from her purse and the test.

"Oh my god!" Colby said and got up.

He hugged her for a moment and then hugged me.

"Take good care of them for me please" he whispered.

I nodded, keeping the emotions away.

"Yes sir, you have my word" I told him.

"Congratulations" he said.

"How far along are you?" Gunnar asked.

"Well we actually just found out this morning but I'm already 14 weeks so we're waiting to announce it publicly for a couple days until we've taken it in. But we thought we should go ahead and tell you guys" Maddie said.

"How far is it until you can know if it's a boy or girl?" Stella asked.

"Well, the earliest we can know is around what? 16-19 weeks... or we can wait until we have the baby to find out" I said.

"Cool!" She exclaimed.

We talked about the new baby and Colby left after a while. I decided to go in my office and do some editing on another video we filmed of the house a couple weeks ago.

I saw I had an email and almost threw my computer.

Maddie's POV

"What!" I heard Duke yell.

I came out of Luxe's playroom and went downstairs to his office.

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