Jamaica Me Sweat

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As whatever remained of Team Victory plus one and Team Chris is really really really hot all sit back and enjoy their first class treatment Yy is checking over his backpack with all his stuff when he realizes that someone had messed with it and from the looks of it more than once.

Since nothing inside the bag looked out of place and that's what was odd since it wasn't out of place but not in the correct way that his Grandfather forced him to sort his things for maximum discomfort and challenge whenever wearing these stupid things!

He knew it couldn't have been Sierra since she was never keen about hiding the fact she went through peoples things especially him and Cody, it couldn't have been Lindsay since she would ask before turning his bag inside out to find whatever she was looking for and without putting any of it back together, Izzy would just destroy his bag completely if she were to ever touch it. 

Owen would ask and only if involved some sort of food or something cool which Yy didn't have in his bag other than weird Asian snacks his grandfather gave him which even Yy didn't really want to eat as they were his rations in case of emergences.

And since there was no one else in the entirety of the plane who would try and look through his stuff any more that he's at least friends with and had access to his bag in the first place would be..... Alejandro!!!

That little weasel probably thought he was so smart in riffling through his stuff but didn't take account of how sadistic Yy's own family could be to him in the name of "training" and "making him stronger" as they liked to put it.

Of course Yy didn't let the rat know this and acted instead like nothing was wrong as he grabbed his book that he was searching for as an excuse in the first place and started reading something that Gwen had recommended him back during the first season that was strangely hard to find.

It probably didn't help the fact that the book was completely black in all things except for the letters which were white, strange formats on how the words were written, and above all... the thing was a horror story that somehow had a happy ending according to Gwen at least.

For the remainder of the flight everything was going as well as one would expect when flying this rusted thing, of course that was until it suddenly started falling and Chris was forcing everyone out of the plane as it was making a crash landing towards whatever happened to be below!

Everyone: "(Screams as they fall!)"

Eventually everyone hits the water below them and barely make it to shore as Chris and Chef were already there waiting like they were on an island resort and the cast were their bellboys and girls. What made things even more annoying was that at least half of the people who were forced to swim were injured thanks to the electric eels... and Owen getting hit in the groin by Izzy right before getting hit by plane falling on them as the landing gear wasn't out and it somehow tipped over as Alejandro whistled ominously.

Both Owen and Izzy were then taken away to the nearby medical hut that they were using as Chris rushed everyone into the plane and back out again but this time in their swimsuits as they were going to need it to beat the heat and the challenges.

While they were changing Yy decided to play a little prank on Alejandro as his way of thanking him for making sure his bag was safe and sound, so what Yy did was place a tiny bit of itching powder in Alejandro's sandals so that the more he walked the itchier he became.

Yy Confessional: "*Static* Yea I know what did isn't exactly the most extreme (jazz hands) nor is it the most painful thing I can do but... I don't really want to win by cheating, I want to mess with him but not to the point it seriously affects his ability to play the game *Static*."

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