Episode 11 A Game of Murder

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An: This episode will be "slightly" longer

"Welcome back to Total drama superstars. Last episode Duncan got eliminated. Today's challenge will be killing."
"Dakota I know what you have." Noah said to Dakota as he held up an immunity idol.
"Give that back!" Dakota Yelled but not loud enough that other people can hear.
"This one is mine. Yours is still under your pillow." Noah said as he put it back in his pocket.
'How did he know' Dakota thought. "I believe you." Dakota said after hesitation. She left the room.
"I have 2 now." Noah said as he left the room and started walking toward the girls cabin.
"CHALLENGE!" Chris said over the loudspeaker. Noah stopped in his tracks. He slowly started walking to the beach for the challenge. Once everyone arrived at the beach, Chris explained the challenge.

"Today's challenge is Live Mafia. At the start of the game each player is secretly assigned a role affiliated with one of the teams. The game has two alternating phases: "night", during which the mafia may covertly "murder" an innocent, and "day", in which surviving players debate the identities of the mafiosi and vote to eliminate a suspect. Play continues until all of the mafia has been eliminated, or until the mafia outnumbers the innocents. In its simplest form, Mafia is played by two teams: the mafia and the innocents. At the start of the game every mafioso is given the identities of his teammates, while the innocents at first know only the number of mafiosi in the game. Live games require a moderator who does not participate as a player. There are two phases: "night" and "day." During day players discuss and vote to "lynch," or eliminate, one player. These phases alternate with each other until all mafiosi have been eliminated or until the mafia outnumbers the innocents.There will be 3 people on the Mafia team. To kill someone you tap them and say 'Dead.'"

Note: I got this off the internet so if anything is wrong it's not my fault. Also that took up 200 words. Haha. Also to make this more fun I will tell you who the mafia were at the end so if you want to know skip to the end otherwise it will be a surprise but beware if you do skip to the end you may see who gets voted off.

Everyone nodded In approval. "Everyone stand in a line. I will whisper to you if you are part of the mafia or not." After Chris was finished, they were all looking at each other, scared. "Put on your blindfolds." Everyone did so. "Now if you take off your blindfold without being told to do so, you are eliminated. Now all the Mafia take off your blindfolds." The three mafia took off their blindfolds and saw each other. They put them back on. "Ok. Everyone take off their blindfolds." Everyone did so.

"Now it is currently 'Night' so the mafia can kill people. You can kill at max 2 people per night. So depart." Chris said.
"We can be safer in groups." Bridgette said to Gwen, Z, and Dakota.
"Good idea," Gwen said, "let's go before something happens." Everyone ran away.
Samey and Brick were walking in the woods. They heard a bush rustle behind them. They turned around and saw Noah.
"Guys can I hang out with you?" Noah said as he ran towards them. Brick and Samey ran away in fear. They ran right through Gwen, Dakota, Bridgette, and Z.
"Noah is the killer!" Samey yelled as she ran by. Gwen and Dakota jumped into a bush. Z and Bridgette ran along with Samey and Brick.
"Now that Gwen's corpse was found, It becomes day and You guys discuss who killed her." Chris said at the beach.
"I accuse Noah! Samey yelled. "he was chasing Me and Brick, then we ran by Bridgette, Z, Dakota, and Gwen. Dakota and Gwen jumped in a bush. Noah probably saw them and killed Gwen."
"Noah, do you have a rebuttal?" Chris said to Noah. Noah had a scared look on his face.
"I didn't do it!" Noah exclaimed, "I didn't see them. I continued running after Samey and Brick!"
"Alright. Time to vote. Raise your hand if you think Noah Killed Gwen." Dakota, Samey, Brick, Bridgette, Z, Lindsay, Staci and Dawn raised their hands.
"That's over half. Noah, you've been executed." Noah went over and laid next to Gwen.
"This game sucks." Noah said to Gwen.
"Hey no talking!" Chris said. "Time to reveal Noah's role. Noah was...
An innocent." Everyone gasped and looked at Samey.
"It's night again, so the hunt begins."
"Well, looks like it's just us three now." Bridgette said to Z and Dakota. Everyone went away.
Alejandro was walking in the woods. He was wondering to himself. "If Gwen Was in the bush with Dakota and Noah didn't kill Gwen then..." Alejandro stopped in his tracks a he saw a glimpse of Dakota in front of him. Dakota was with Bridgette, Z, Samey, and Brick. Dakota can't kill them since there can only be a max of 2 kills per day, but she could go off with me and kill me. I should leave. Alejandro thought. He slowly backed away.
"The mafia has struck again." Chris said as he pointed to Brick and Samey who were laying next to Gwen and Noah.
"Does anyone have any clues."
"Yes." Alejandro stood up. "I think Dakota is the murderer." Dakota gasped. "Adding on to Samey said, if Dakota was in the bush with Gwen and Noah didn't kill Gwen then Dakota must've." Alejandro sat back down and stared at Dakota. She was wearing a bad poker face. She jumped up. "I am not the killer!" She started crying.
"Who votes to execute Dakota?" Chris asked. Everyone, but Dakota raised their hand. Dakota went by Samey and Brick. "Dakota's role was...
A Mafioso." Everyone cheered.
"Killer!" Samey said to Dakota. This caused her to cry even more.
"It is now night so depart!" Chris said.
Staci was walking along a path in the woods. She was talking to... herself? The two killers that were left were staking her out from a bush. They jumped out and tagged her. "Dead." Killer 1 said. "What do we do about Lindsay right there." Killer 3 said.
"Go catch her!" Killer 1 said and they both ran towards Lindsay.
"Today, we are gathered here to say goodbye to your friends." Chris said, trying to be a funeral directer. "Staci and Lindsay have died." Chris said as he fake wiped a tear. "But they didn't die naturally, they were murdered!" Everyone gasped.
"Ten out of ten." Alejandro said to Chris.
"Thanks. Anyway who do you guys think the murderer is?" Chris asked them, knowing they wouldn't have an answer.
"Z thinks Z is the murderer!" Z yelled.
"Alright. Vote." Chris said and surprisingly more than half the people raised their hands. "Looks like Z is dead. Her role was...
A mafioso."
"Z you idiot! Dakota yelled.
Z went and sat by Dakota.
"You know the drill." Chris said and everyone went away.
The killer saw Anne Maria and Lightning walking. He/she ran up to them and killed them both, not knowing Someone was right in front of them.
"Lightning and Anne Maria died. Yadda yadda yadda." Chris said not caring anymore.
"Bridgette's the killer." Alejandro said firmly.
"Actually, Eva is the killer!" Bridgette exclaimed. "No one has seen her in the woods yet have they?"
"She is will me and always was with me." Jasmine said.
"See that proves Alejandro is right!" Eva said.
"Voting time." Everyone voted for Bridgette except Bridgette."
"Congrats. Bridgette was the last killer. At the elimination ceremony, vote between them."
"Congrats Bridgette for only getting two votes." Chris threw the marshmallow to Bridgette. "The last marshmallow goes to...
Z." Chris threw her the marshmallow.
"But wait!" Dakota whipped out her immunity idol.
"NOOO!" Noah yelled. Everyone stared at him. "Sorry Z, you're eliminated." Chris led her to the cannon and he/she got shot away.
HEY! So this chapter wasn't that much longer but it still was. And if you're looking back here to see who the killers are then...
Killer 1- Bridgette
Killer 2- Dakota
Killer 3- Z

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