Episode 14 Dodgebrawl 2.0

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This chapter is short. Oh well.

"I'm Chris McLean and welcome back to another episode of Total Drama SuperStars. Last episode we played capture the flag. The red team won and lighting was eliminated. What will happen this episode? Find out right here on Total. Drama. Superstars!"

"Good morning campers." Chris said as he walked into the mess hall. "Today will be a double elimination challenge. Just putting that out there." Everyone gasped.

"Wait, what does that mean again?" Lindsay asked.

"It means two people are getting eliminated today." Samey replied.

"And this challenge is a special one. You all must-" Chris spoke but Gwen cut him off.

"Can we at least finish our breakfast first?" Gwen asked

"Fine." Everyone finished their breakfast and walked outside to the beach.

Wait, how long has the giant dodgeball court been there?

"Today's challenge is-" Chris started.

"Dodgeball?" Noah finished.

"Hey, don't be rude that was my line." Chris said. "I will split you into two teams."

"Oh boy." Noah said sarcastically.

"Noah, Lindsay, Alejandro, Jasmine, Dakota, and Staci are Team A. The rest, Brick, Gwen, Dawn, Samey, Anne Maria, and Eva, are Team B. Let's begin."

Each side had three balls on them. The game started and Eva picked up 2 balls and threw them at Dakota. They hit her and she went and sat on the bench. Alejandro picked up a ball and threw it at Dawn. She got hit right in the chest. She went and sat on the bench.

"Wait, which one of them is Tyler?" Lindsay asked. Everyone ignored her. Jasmine and Alejandro both had a ball and they both threw it at Eva. One of them hit her. Their strongest player went and sat on the bench.

"I've too you guys before, sports are not my forte" Noah said in the midst of dodging balls. Brick picked up a ball and hit Noah. Then picked up another one and hit Lindsay.

"Give me all the balls." Staci instructed Alejandro and Jasmine. Um ok. That's gross.

"Here." Jasmine said and she and Alejandro tossed the balls to Staci. Staci threw one ball at Gwen and the other at Anne Maria. Both the girls got hit. They sat down.

"Nice!" Jasmine said. Then she got hit by Brick. Then Alejandro got hit by Samey.

"Oh no." Staci said. She picked up a ball and threw it. It was going towards Brick and Brick caught it. Team B cheered.

"Way to go, Staci." Noah said, obviously annoyed they lost. Staci gulped.

"Okay, Team A, meet me at the campfire." Chris said. Team A walked to the campfire.

"Alright. I have the votes. If I call your name you are safe.



Lindsay, and

Dakota. Staci or Jasmine, one of you is eliminated. The person eliminated is...


"What!?" Everyone yelled but Staci.

"Yes. All the votes were for Jasmine but 2 for Staci. I presume those were  Alejandro

and  Jasmine's votes." Chris said. "Follow me." Jasmine did as Chris said and got Shot Away.

"Well then," Alejandro said.

"Now, for the second elimination. Whoever hit the most people in dodgeball, gets to eliminate someone." Chris said. "That person is...

Brick, with 3 hits!"

"Wait when did the other team get here?" Lindsay asked.

"They've been here. They followed us to elimination, smart one." Noah replied. Meanwhile, Brick was standing by Chris.

"I choose to eliminate...

Samey." Samey started crying and Eva had to carry her to the cannon. Chris shot her off.

An: see I told you short. Only 600 words. Most my chapters have over 1,000. Exactly 600.

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