Episode 3: The Great Chase

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Chris is sitting on his recliner. He sips his tea. "Welcome back. Another episode of total drama super stars starts right here." he sips his tea again.


Bridgette, Geoff, Topher, Samey, and Dawn are on the dock. Geoff and Bridgette were making out and Topher and Samey were making out also. Dawn was reading a book.
"Hey guys, all you ever do is make out. Don't you do something productive?" Dawn asked.
"Making out feels good. You would know if you actually had a boyfriend." Bridgette said then went back to making out with Geoff. Dawn threw her book at Bridgette and it hit Geoff on the back of the head.
"I can get a boyfriend! just watch!" Dawn said and stormed off. Bridgette looked at the book cover. It was entitled 'how to get a boyfriend.' Bridgette laughed.


Duncan and Lindsay were talking.
"Duncan, do you want to build a snowman?" Lindsay asked.
"It's summer AND it's a stupid song in a stupid movie. I wish Elsa and Anna died." Duncan replied.
"Do you want to ride our bikes around the halls?" Lindsay asked.
"I've had enough." Duncan started walking away.


Rodney walked up to Gwen.
"Have you seen Samey?" Rodney asked, blushing.
"Umm... Yeah." Gwen pointed to the dock. "she's making out with Topher."
Rodney turned around and started crying. He ran into the confessional.

"I was just going to ask Samey out!" he sobbed.


Dawn ran to Scott.
"Scott, will you be my boyfriend so I can tell Bridgette I have one?" dawn asked.
"Um... Sure." Scott said. They ran back to the dock and Bridgette and Geoff were gone.
"Where's Geoff and Bridgette?" Dawn asked Samey.
"I have no clue." Samey said. "They were just here."
"CHALLENGE!" Chris said over the loudspeaker. "Meet in the mess hall. There are four tables. A picture of each animal on each table. Sit at your table."

Everyone met at the mess hall.
"It appears the snakes are missing someone." Chris said. "If Geoff and Bridgette don't show up in 1 minute they're eliminated." One minute passed.
"Well they're eliminated." Chris said. The challenge is to find your animal on the island or in a body of water on the island. Oh. And Eels, you're gonna need these." Chris tossed 2 rubber gloves at Duncan.


The Jaguars found theirs first. Samey and Noah sat on a rock while Eva, Lightning, and Brick fought with it.
"Wow. You guys are weak." Samey said. "Watch this." Samey picked up a boulder and threw it At the Jaguar.


"Hey! I found a Crocodile!" Gwen yelled. Her team came running to her. Topher tripped on a rock and fell face first into the marsh.
"Ahhhh! this beautiful face!" Topher screamed.
"Put a sock in it." Courtney said. "Hey an ax!" she said pointing to an ax leaning against a tree. B went an picked it up and started making a cage out of a fallen tree.


"How will we get that snake? theres no way it will follow us." jasmine said.
"I got this." Anne Maria said as she started twerking. The snake noticed and became entranced. Anne Maria started walking and the snake followed.


"Here Staci put these on." Duncan threw Staci the gloves. She put them on.
"Did you know my great great grey great great aunt Kathy found out that rubber stops the flow of electricity." She said.
"Zip it." duncan said as he grabbed her lip. Staci picked up the eel from the water and they ran back towards the mess hall.


The Snakes got the the mess hall first. Then the Eels. Then the Jaguars. Then the Crocs.
"Sorry Crocs, you guys lose." Chris said.
"But the Jaguars is dead!" Courtney yelled.
"I never said they had to bring it back alive." Chris said.
"UGH!" Courtney said.


"We should eliminate B." Topher said.
"We need B cuz he's smart. Lets eliminate Rodney. He hasn't really helped our team and he's been crying a lot lately." Courtney said.
"Agreed." everyone said.


"I have 1 marshmallow left. B, Rodney, one of you is leaving. And the person leaving is..." Chris tossed the marshmallow to B. "Rodney please meet me at the cannon." Chris walked to the cannon.
"I'm gonna miss you guys." Rodney said walking away. His team walked back to the loser cabin. While he was walking, two people grabbed him. Then he heard a female say "take him with us."
"Amy?" Rodney asked.


(AN: when I put 2 sets of 5 dashes that means its a whole new scene not just a change of team or something.)

There are 3 chairs with someone tied to them.
"Take the blindfold off and untape their mouths." Amy ordered. Two men walked over and took the blindfolds and tape off.
"Where am I!?" Bridgette said.
"You're in the secret lair of the umm... We don't have a name yet. But we are gonna get revenge on our teammates and Chris for voting us off. You guys in?" Amy explained.
"Heck no. I wasn't voted off yet." Geoff said.
"Neither was I." Bridgette agreed.
"Actually you were. Press play." Amy said. One of the men hit play and the screen turned on.
["If Geoff and Bridgette don't show up in one minute they're eliminated. - they're eliminated" an audio record played]
"What! he can't eliminate us. We were kidnapped!" Bridgette said.
"Zip it unless you wanna join us." Amy said.
"Ill join you." Rodney said. "As long as I get to punch Topher in the face for stealing Samey from me."
"Samey and Topher are dating! Oh my gag!" Amy said. "Go untie Rodney." The 2 men untied Rodney and all four of them left the room leaving Bridgette and Geoff tied up in there.

(AN: so what did you think about the surprise ending. They're basically revolting against Chris. So if that was hard to understand I just summed it up. Also Anne Maria is gonna be twerking for a while so if you don't like it then dont read it.)

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