Episode 17 The Headless Host

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"Welcome back to Total Drama Superstars! Last episode, a huge fight broke out, causing me have to eliminate 6 contestants which means we have the final 5 here. Who do you think will win, Dakota, Noah, Staci, Dawn, or Brick? Stay tuned to find out who gets eliminated."

* * *

"Hello Campers!" Chris said. Dakota, Dawn, and Staci sat at one table. Brick and Noah sat at the other. "Who is ready for the final 5 challenge?"

"Not me!" Noah said so enthusiastically.

"That's too bad because you each get a partner for this challenge!" Chris said. "Follow me outside."

The campers walked outside. "I think I'll pick Ella. We both love animals so we'd be a great pair." Dawn said.

"Who said you got to choose?" Chris asked, "but, we actually did have Ella picked out for you." A sack fell from the sky and Ella crawled out.

"You are so mean, Chris!" Ella whimpered.

"Noah's partner is my man, Owen." Chris said. Noah looked up.

"No, no, no, no, no!" Noah yelled. Then, he got squashed by the falling sack that was Owen.

"Brick's partner is Jo!" Chris said. Jo fell from the sky. She crawled out of her sack.

"I respect your decision sir." Brick said.

"Staci's partner is Heather." Chris said. "And Dakota's is Alejandro.

"You!" Heather and Alejandro both hissed to each other.

"Now, for the challenge." Chris said. "You and your partner will be handcuffed together." Everyone handcuffed them to their partner. "and now Chef and I have hidden a Chef head and a Chris head somewhere on the island. One of them lets your partner join the game again and gives you immunity. The other just gives you immunity. Go!"

Jo and Brick ran towards the mansion. Jo had a plan. They ran into the mansion and into the security room.

Ella and Dawn ran into the woods, singing. They were having the animals help them. They ran past Alejandro, who was carrying Dakota. They ran towards the cannon of shame. 

Heather and Staci, along with Noah and Owen, ran towards the beach. Noah and Owen started digging while Heather and Staci were just looking around.

"There!" Jo said as she pointed to the screen that showed chef throwing something onto the cliff. Jo and Brick ran out of the room and out the mansion. They ran up the giant hill and looked down. "Grab me." Jo said. Brick grabbed Jo and she leaned over the edge. She grabbed the Chef head, but Brick slipped and they both fell to the sand. Brick hit the ground first and Jo landed on him. The head landed next to them, but they were both too injured to go get it. Heather saw the Jo and Brick fall and didn't care until she head Brick tell Jo to get the idol. Heather drug Staci over and picked up the idol. The 2 girls began to run back to the mansion to win, but Noah got in their way.

"Copy me!" Staci said and she pulled her arm up. Heather did the same and they clothes lined Noah. "Now dive!" The 2 girls dove and tripped Owen. The 2 girls looked up and saw the other 2 girls. Ella and Dawn told the animals to attack, and non-surprisingly, they obeyed. Bling Bear ran in, Snatched the head, and ran back to Ella and Dawn and gave it to them. Ella and Dawn ran to the mansion and Chris declared them the winners!

"You girls win!" Chris said. "but, that is the wrong head so Ella doesn't join."

"It's okay. I'll root for Dawn to win." Ella said, then, she and the other helpers go shot off the island.

"Now, time to vote."

     * * *

"I have one marshmallow left. Staci, you're up on the block because you attacked Noah. Brick is on the block because I'm eliminating him for injuries." Chris said and he threw the last marshmallow to Staci. "Now, Brick, since you are injured, you get a boat to take you away."

     * * *

AN: Wow, this chapter is really short. Only 700 words. oh well. By the way, i wont be updating as soon because school started last week. So sorry. Okay bye.

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