Chapter 11 Telling...

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Chapter 11 Telling…

There were a few red lights on their way to school, but it didn't take them that long to get there. Luckily.

The drive there was full of conversations.
Ray had explained that she has more than one soulmate, plus even more to him. As for Alex, he was asking multiple questions letting the conversation continue on.

Some of the questions that were asked were, ‘how many you got?’, ‘where are they?’, ‘can I see them? Or at least one of them?’ ‘When did you get them?’ And so on and so forth were asked.

It was difficult for Ray though, trying to explain and answer Alex's questions, especially when it came down to telling Alex about how many soulmates she was born with. To say that she has eight soulmates and not just one or two of them was difficult; for a few reasons.

One being her stutter. This is an anxiety, stressful, panicky, not to know what to say kind of situation she was in, this caused her already stuttering problems to become a harder thing for her.

Her stutter gets even worse when anxiety, stress, panic, or hard words come into play with her, and that's what she's experiencing right now. All that and more.

Another reason is, she didn't know what to say, she never had to explain or talk about this to really anyone before.

Even when it came to her doctors or mom.

Her doctors didn't really care about it, onlying caring about soulmates if it contained the rejection of a soulmate. Ray hasn't had a rejection before so they never talked or really brought it up to her. For her mom, her mom never talks or brings up soulmates ever since her soulmate died. It was too hard for Mrs Williams to talk or bring up, so she just straight up avoids that topic overall.

Thus, leaving Ray to figure this shit out by herself.

With her mom leaving her to take care of her younger sibling and everything that would contain that. Like taking him to all sorts of doctor appointments; taking care of most of his school things; of course making sure his overall health is ok; making sure he has everything he would need to grow up strong physically and mentally and more, however there was more. She had to take care of the household needs; her pets; her school, and many more, with all that she never had time for herself. Yes she took care of her school, but that had to be done. She wouldn't miss any of Coby's appointments, but she could miss hers because she had school or another thing to take care of.

She had so much, too much to take care of that talking about soulmates or even about herself was something very new to her.

Plus, to her, she thinks that most people get one or two soulmates, not eight of them. She's not wrong, but it can very much happen. With not knowing, she keeps anything that's soulmate related or really anything about her a secret from others. Even to her family now.

“So you're telling me that you have eight soulmates? Not just one or two of them, but eight of them?” he asks again. This would be the fourth time he's asked this question in the spam of driving from Cobys school to theirs.

That question was annoying the fuck out if Ray.

Alex was flabbergasted when he heard eight come out of her mouth when she finally was able to say it to him. He was expecting at least three or four soulmates, not fucking eight of them.

Alex has never met anyone with eight soulmates before and he wanted to know everything about it. He had to ask so many questions on this. Anything that he thought of, came out of his mouth.

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