Chapter 1

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~Canada's POV~

It was a long and boring day today, like most of the time everyday. Another meeting where I was barley noticed by anybody. Then I come back home and sit lonely by the fire while eating my famous pancakes with maple syrup, while Kumajiro is resting near me on the couch.

Suddenly, my cell phone rang. I rummage through my pockets and take it out and see who had called me. Nobody really ever calls me so this is surprising.

I looked at the caller ID to see who it is, and of course. It's Alfred; my twin brother, who is the personification of America. He usually calls me for assistance or something stupid like that. I love him though for a brother since he is the only one that notices me most times.

I press the little green button on the phone to answer the call.


"Hey, Mattie! Dude, you gotta come over and see this!" he shouted excitedly through the phone so loudly that I had to pull back a bit since it was hurting my ear.

"Well, what is it?" I asked.

"It's a surprise! Dude, come over quickly! I've got something really cool that I want to show you!"

"Eh? Um... okay, I'll be there in a few hours."

"Awesome!" Then he hung up.

Well, I don't know what he wants to show me but he sounds pretty excited on this one. I wonder what it is... Well, if I want to know what it is, I'm going to have to get ready to go to America's house.

"Who was that?" Kumajiro asked innocently.

"That's America" I said.

"Who are you?" he asked again.

"I'm Canada!"

XxXxXxXxXxXx *Time Skip* xXxXxXxXxXxX

As I made it to Alfred's house, I went up to his doorstep and rang the doorbell.

Right after I did it, I hear hard thumping noises inside and a moment later the door slammed open to reveal my overly happy twin brother showing his big smile with bright cerulean blue eyes sparkling with joy.

"Yay, you made it! Come on, let me show you something that I got!" he chirped, and walked back in with me following shortly after.

"You can go sit in the living room, while I go and get it!" he said while leaving the room.

As I sat on the couch waiting patiently, I start to wonder what it could be that Al wanted to show me. Is it a new comic book that just came out about superheros? Is it an animal that he finds it so cool that he has to show and boast about it? Or is it a random surprise party that he thrown and it's about me? Whatever it is, it sure did make Alfred really excited.

"Okay, I'm back!" Alfred said coming into the room carefully holding something in his hands. It looks like a glass jar and in that jar has some sort of purple liquid.

"Um... what is that?" I asked, I want to know what exactly this stuff is.

"Uh... I don't know exactly," he replied.

"Where did you get it?"

"Some old lady was selling stuff and I thought it'd be pretty cool to check it out."

"Did she say anything about this stuff?"

"Jeez Mattie, what's with all the questions?!" He shouted

"Nothing, I just want to know what it is."

"Want to find out?" He asked.

"I'm not drinking that! Who knows what it is!" I shouted.

"That's why we should find out," he said as he opened the jar.

"If you would not want to do it, then the hero me would!" Then he started to gulp down the purple liquid.

"Al! Not too much!" I shrieked and jumped off the couch to grab the jar out of his grasp.

"Hey, back off!" He said in a squeaky voice. I was shocked but quickly took away the jar from him and back away.

I looked to glare at him in the eye, but he was not there. Then I hear a giggle. I looked down and see the remains of Alfred's clothing with a bump moving around. I took them off carefully to see and froze with wide eyes. Under the clothing was a little baby that look maybe two to three years old.

"A-Alfred?" I stuttered out.

He looked up at me with big sky blue eyes, and smiled.

"Hi person!" He chirped.

"Uh... hello," I said.

"What's your name?" He asked innocently, cocking his head to the side.

"Um... my name is Matthew or Canada," I replied.

"Oh? Nice to meet you! I'm America!" He said proudly.

"Uh, Alfred..."


"Do you know what happened to you?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He said confused.

"Oh, nothing."


So he doesn't remember anything... that's bad, really bad.  I should have stopped him. Wait... how will the other countries react? What will they do? I guess I'm going to have to keep him hidden and protect him at all cost. Also I need to fix this, America can't be like this forever. He said that he found this old lady selling stuff... but where? Oh, I'm going to have to find her to change Alfred back to normal. Hang on, Alfred. I'll take care of you while I try to fix this.

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