Chapter 2

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~Canada's POV~

I decided to find that old lady as quickly as possible, but I can't leave Alfred here all alone. What if I ran into a country? Ugh... this is hard. Okay, I probably won't be seen though. Alfred can come with me, but it might take awhile... I hope she is still there, wherever she is...

"Alright Alfred, we are going outside to get something that's really important," I told him.

"Why? Where is it? What is it?" He asked curiously.

Now he's the one that's asking the questions... well I guess I don't blame him. Being turned into a baby with no memory except your name can get you really confused on things. I'll try to answer them as best as I can.

"Well Alfred, you turned into a baby and I have to find this old lady in God knows where; it's like a potion like this," I said while holding up the jar to show him.

His eyes widen, "So... I was a big kid?" He asked.

"Well, no... you were an adult, but you can be childish. So I guess, yeah... a big kid," I replied back.

"Okay..." he said, trying to collect the information.

  I grabbed a blanket and wrap him into it.

"Are you comfy?" I asked.

"Yeah, and warm..." He replied back.

"Well this is mostly for a disguise, you'll be out once were done."

"How long?"

"Until I can find her today, if not we'll come back home."

"Okay... Mattie?" His big blue eyes looked up at me.

My eyes widen, he called me Mattie... Well, at least he's not too far gone.

"...Yeah Al?" I looked down at him in my arms.

"You look like an older me... but a little different, I think." He looked quizzically at me.

"Oh, that's because we are twin brothers."

"You are my big brother?"

"I guess..." I said, ready to head out the door to find that old lady.

"Well, let's go see if we can find her anywhere." 

And I walk out of the house with Alfred in my arms into the streets down the sidewalk.

XxXxXxXxXxXx *Time Skip* xXxXxXxXxXxX

We've been walking for a while now, searching everywhere. On the streets, stores, and even in alleyways. We were starting to give up now until I spot a little stand. It looks to be a small one behind the bushes, and a little bit behind a building.

I walk over there, but it looks like no one was here for a while; a little abandoned, yet there is a little sign that is a little hard to read. I squint at it, trying to read the writing. It said:

May be back later in the next year or so. Maybe.                                                                                                                 Hours: 10 am - 5 pm

Next year or more? No! She can't just leave! I need her help! Alfred starts to whimper in my arms, I look down at him.

"I'm hungry," he said, holding onto his tummy. It started to growl loudly.

"Don't worry, we are going back home," I reassure him.

XxXxXxXxXxXx*Time Skip*xXxXxXxXxXxX

As we made it back into the house, I set Alfred down and go into the kitchen. 

In there I opened up the fridge, and cabinets. I sighed, there's not much in here. A half a jug of white milk, a couple cups of yogurt, and a couple bags of fruit and vegetables in the fridge. A few burger patties and bread in the cabinets and some snacks in the pantry. I'm going to have to go out again and shop for some groceries... and clothes. Alfred is pretty much naked with only a blanket around him to cover up and keep warm.

"I'M HUNGWYYYYY!!!" Alfred screamed. I flinched and turn to the direction where he is in.

"Don't worry, Alfred! You're going to eat right now! Don't worry!" I shouted to him, and quickly grab the food from the fridge and set them on the counter near me.

Okay, now what do toddlers eat? Well, I'm sure he is old enough to eat solids. So I grabbed the apple and orange for fruit and a carrot for vegetables. Then I grabbed a kitchen knife to slice it into little pieces, enough so he won't choke. Did some portion sizes I think would be good for him and put it in a bowl and put the rest in a little container to save it for later. Then opened a cup of yogurt and grabbed a spoon.

I speed walk to Alfred to pick him up and put him on the table. I ran back to get the food and came back to hand them to him.

"Yay!" He cheered and happily ate the food.

I sighed in relief. Well, now that was a bit difficult since he was so demanding. But, I think I did a good job today and hopefully get the hang of it later on.

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