Chapter 5

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I drove in Alfred's car to the building where the meeting is taking place. I don't know about you but I'm getting really nervous. What if they don't notice me and thought that Alfred never came? What if they noticed that I'm not Alfred? What if I didn't do a good job on acting like him? Alfred and I used to do the little switcharoo when we were colonies, but after a while our mentors realized it and we got in trouble.

I inhaled and exhaled deeply and slowly to calm down. It's just one meeting, how hard can it be?

I parked the car in the parking lot, got out and head to the building.

I pulled out the identification card to confirm that I'm-Alfred's here. I took the elevator to get to the floor that is very high up. Once I made it to my designated floor, I got out and walked down the grand halls towards the grand doors. I can hear the countries talking, but no arguing... yet. I was about to put my hand on the door handle but paused.

America doesn't make an entrance by quietly opening the door and shuffling quietly to his seat, it's not like him. He usually does his "Hero" entrance, making sure everybody notices him. Oh boy...

After a few moments, I mustered up the courage and take a few steps back. I ran to the door and tried to kick the doors open, key word tried. The doors practically felt like a concrete wall, bounced me back to the ground. The nation's conversations stopped abruptly into silence.

Damn it...

I got up and quietly opened the doors, making them slightly crack open so that they still looked closed. Stepped back and went to kick the doors with all of my strength. The door's hinges snapped off, making them fall to the ground with a loud THUNK. I stepped into the room, chest out and standing straight and tall doing my best "Hero pose".

"Never f-fear! The Hero is h-here!" I shouted as loud as I can.

All eyes were staring at me, is that a good thing? My palms started to sweat from all of the attention. I tried to ignore the stares and practically marched to America's chair.

"Right... so, now zat ve have everybody. Let's get zis meeting started!" Germany announced. He filed some papers, and asked for volunteers to start their presentations.

As the meeting went on, England leaned in close to me, "What the bloody hell was that, America? Are you okay?" he whispered. I started to sweat. Okay, just be America, just be America.

"O-Of course I-I'm okay... Iggy! A h-hero's always okay!" I shouted. Gosh, I hate how I stutter. I just hope they still believe that I'm America. He narrowed his eyes at me, those things he calls eyebrows scrunched in an odd way.

"Whatever, at least you came in on time." He mumbled. Then his face formed into anger, "And quit shouting you git!" He shouted. "And another thing... quit calling me IGGY! It's such a stupid name!" A blush lightly formed on his face.

"Ohonhonhonhonhonhon~! Angleterre, is zat a blush I see? Ohonhonhon~!" France said.

"Shut up you stupid Frog!" England shouted, blushing even more.

I don't know how to make of this situation so I just did America's "Hero laugh".

"Ugh, western people are so annoying... How about you all have my famous Chinese food." China said, pulling out his favorite foods out of nowhere.

"Don't worry, all of you will soon become one with Mother Russia, Da~!" Russia gleamed, smiling childishly.

"Ve~! We should have some pasta~! I'm sure it'll cheer you up!" Italy cheered.

Japan, not knowing what to do, brought out the latest manga, and began to read.

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" Germany shouted, red in anger.

Everyone paused at what they are doing and looked at Germany. Some in fear, others in annoyance.

"Vhy does zis alvays happen?! Don't you idiots realize ve vill never get anyzing done if you keep fooling around like children!" He said looking at everyone in the eye, daring anyone to say something.

He sat down in his chair, sighing. "Let's just take a break. EVERYONE BE BACK IN ZIS ROOM IN ZIRTY MINUTES!" With that, everyone got up and headed out the door.

As America (Canada) walked in the halls, he was stopped by England.

"Hey America, I'm sorry for yelling I guess... You were just annoying me," he said.

"Oh... i-it's okay! D-Don't worry about it!" I said.

"Hey, by the way... That Frog said that we should all go to this new restaurant. For all I know... I bet it's the stupid French kind," he shivered.

"Oh... o-okay! The Hero w-will be there!" I said. I wonder how this will turn out.

•°•°•°•°•《Time Skip》•°•°•°•°•

"I bloody knew it was going to be a bloody French restaurant!" Arthur scowled. "The 'food' was so bad, that it rotted my teeth!"

"It wasn't so bad..." I said quietly, but I wasn't heard. Arthur was too busy ranting on Francis's food.

"And the smell! It was so bloody awful! The decorations were atrocious! The 'staff' are so unprofessional! How could anybody come to that so called 'restaurant'! It is so stu-"

"Okay, Arthur! I think I get the point," I said. Jeez... I know Alfred can be a handful, but come on! Arthur can be just as bad! He thinks he's such a gentleman, that everyone's immature to him! Well... pretty much everybody can be a pain in the butt. Some more than others.

"You THINK?!" Arthur shouted. "You don't think. You either get it or you don't. Oh wait... of course you need time to think," he glared. "No need, I'll wait over there while you think it out. Knowing you, it will take a while." After that, he walked away to another direction and went inside a fish and chips restaurant, grabbed a newspaper and sat down at a table.

I looked at his direction, looked down and shook my head. Good job me, you can't even keep a person to stay and chat. I sighed. Oh well... as long as England still believes I'm America, it's fine by me.

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