Chapter 6

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~America's POV~

After me and Mattie make a pinkie promise, he started to head out the door.

Leaving me... alone.

I don't know what to do, Mattie never left me alone before! Why would he do that? Where is he going that I can't go? He said that it's dangerous... A hero can handle it! That's what I am!

I shook my head and went over to the TV to watch some shows. His pet bear went over to me to watch as well.

xXxX |Time Skip - 2 Days Later| XxXx

This is getting boring, how long is it's been already?

"Ugh! When is Mattie going to be back!" I shouted.

I stopped playing with the toys he gave me and started pacing around the room.

I'm mad.

Mattie is supposed to play superhero with me! But NO, he wants to go someplace else! Doesn't he love me?

He's my big brother... why doesn't he want to take me this time?

Does he hate me now? Does he not love me anymore?

The thought made me close my eyes tight, a tear came out.

No... hero's don't cry.

But this hero couldn't control their emotions. I collapsed on the floor and sobbed.

Being alone sucks. I want someone with me. To talk to me and to play with me...

I felt something soft on my cheek. I lifted my head up and opened one eye to see Kumajiro nuzzling to me.

"Don't cry..." he said softly.

I sniffled and wiped my eyes.

"It's going to be okay..." Kumajiro said.

I shook my head. "He pwomised me that he will be back... and he's not." More tears are coming out.

The small polar bear picked up it's fluffy white paw and wiped the tears away.

"He will come back... he didn't forget you."

I sniffled again. "I just want Mattie back..."

"He will..." he repeated. "Do you want to play with me?"

I looked at the bear and nodded slowly.

"Come on, follow me." he said, and headed to the door.

I got up and started to follow him.

We both headed out the door into the backyard. I took the time to look at the nature around me.

The grass felt strangely soft around my bare feet. Trees surrounded the area, giving shade from up above the bright sunshine. I can hear birds singing away. And a soft breeze blew. My hair and clothes moving in the direction as it went. I looked up and see a bright blue sky with fluffy clouds floating up high.

I never realized how beautiful it looks. Mattie and I play out here and I never got to take it in.

I flinched when I heard a small rustle.

I looked over to the noise, facing a bush.

It rustled some more and out came a little bunny.

My face softened as I crouched down to it.

"Hello little bunny. My name is America." I said to it quietly.

It looked at me and sniffed, cocking its head to the side. It then looked over and started cowering in fear, ready to scurry off if need be.

I turned to look and saw Kumajiro is standing by me with a quizzical look on its face.

I turned back and saw that the bunny was about to hop away.

"Wait! Don't go... Do you want to pway with me? All thwee of us can!"

The little bunny looked back and hopped back. I think it did a little nod.

"Okay!" I said cheerfully, smiling from ear to ear. "Yay! I made friends!"

I looked at the little bunny, "I'll name you Usa."

It seemed to agree with the name.

Usa, Kumajiro and I all started to play together.

I'll wait a little longer for Mattie to come back.

He will come back...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2019 ⏰

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