Chapter 4

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It has been a couple weeks since the baby incident. I have bought Alfred more stuff like more food, clothes, and some toys for him to entertain himself. He still doesn't have his memory at the moment, but I'm trying. I basically moved into his home while I take care of him.

I am currently right now trying to find information about the liquid.I've looked through many books in libraries, and tons of websites I could find... but I could not find anything about it. Like it never existed!

"Ugh!" I groaned in frustration. I'll never get to help Alfred if I don't even have a clue. I looked over to the direction where Alfred is at. He's playing with Kumajooki. I smiled, he's such a cute kid to have around and to give me company. I'm usually alone all the time at my place. It gets suffocating at times when it's just silence everywhere, no one to talk to but your pet and yourself.

Suddenly, I hear a ring in a distance. I hastily try to find it, to find out that it's Alfred's cell phone.

Caller: Arthur Kirkland

I hesitantly pressed the green button to answer, and put the phone against my ear.

"H-Hello?" I answered.

"I'm just calling here to remind you that the meeting is today, idiot. Don't. Be. Late. Or else..." Arthur said, then hung up.

Oh no... I forgot that the meeting is today! And Alfred's still not himself yet! What do I do?! Think Mattie think...
I looked at his old clothes he usually wears to the meetings. It's a crazy idea, but it might work.

I grabbed his clothes and went into a nearby bathroom to change. I looked at myself in the mirror. Wow, I do look a lot like him. Although... I don't act like him. Basically a total opposite.
I try to do his huge 1000 watt smile. Eh... I could use some work. But I don't have time, the meeting is going to start soon. What am I going to do when I'm not going to be with Alfred? He can't come with me.

I heard a knock on the door, startling me for a second. "Mattie? Are you in here?" It's Alfred.

"Yeah, I am." I said, opening the door to walk out. I looked down to see Alfred in a super hero costume, Captain America I think.

"Do you wanna go pway with me?" He asked, eyes shining brightly.

I knelled down to his height, my smile faltering. "I'm sorry, Alfie... but I can't do that right now."

He frowned, "why?"

"I have to be going somewhere."

"Can I come with you?" He asked.

"I'm sorry, but it's too dangerous." He lowered his head and started to whimper. I brought out my hand to place it on his shoulder for comfort.

"Hey... Alfie please don't cry. I will come back in a few hours," I assured.

He sniffled, "p-pwomise?" he held out a hand and stuck out his tiny pinky. I brought out my pinky and interlocked it with his.

"I promise."

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