Chapter 1~Losing Control~

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I looked out of the window, it was snowing. No this wasn't caused by me, it really was winter. And well.........for the past few years things have changed. In a good way, Anna and Kristoph got married. They now have 5 year old triplets and another baby on the way.

I wish I could say the same about my life though. My advisers have been pressuring me to find a husband. But I have refused. They can invite as many sutors as they want, but with every one my heart just shut itself away even more.

My life was falling apart, but I had to stay together, for Anna.

I had finally decided to walk out of my room, no one was astonished with my outfit choices anymore. They had gotten used to it. I was now wearing a white turtle neck that had light blue snowflakes. And I was wearing a semi -long white skirt that didn't quite reach the ground. And white flats.

I walked down the hallway and into the thrown room, there were my advisers and...another ... prince! When will these old men learn!

I kept a slight smile on my face as I went up to my thrown. This prince looked a lot like someone I knew, but couldn't put my finger on it.

The announcer clears this throte and said "You Magesty this is King Christen of the Suthorn Iles ."

I could feel the heat com up to my face with anger, this was Hans eldest brother. My mood suddenly changed and this King could tell.

He cleared his throte and said " Queen Elsa I am just here to warn you."

I then felt my face go serious "Lets hear this warning. "

He nodded and said "My family had kept Hans from leaving these last few years but he somehow managed to escape. "

I took in a big deep breath Hans? Escaped? "Anything else? " I said whyle trying my best to remain calm.

"We have our guards looking for him, but we thought that it would be best to give you a fair warning." He said while straiting his jacket.

"Thank you, I hope your trip home is safe." I said while getting up to shake his hand.

He took it and said "Thank you." Before walking out.

As soon as he was gone I started to shout orders "Get guards in the town! Every street, ally and corner! I want no place un turned!"

"Yes my Queen. " was all that they said before they walked out.

I ran into Anna's room, her and Kristoph were playing with the triplets. They all turned towards me when I rushed into the room.

Anna stood up and walked towards me "Elsa.....what's wrong? "

My breath was heavy and I was panting as I said "Hans escaped."

Anna's eyes widened as did Kristophs. "What should we do? " Anna asked.

"I think that you should get out of town, some where Hans wont know." I said while looking out the window.

"I know just the place." Kristoph said while picking up one of the girls. "We can go visit my family."

Anna clapped her hands with joy "yes, yes, yes I have been wanting to see them again. And for them to meet the kids! "

They both looked at me waiting for my approval, and I nodded. Anna squealed and Kristoph nodded. "But have to stay out of site when you are going there."

They nodded and started to pack.

~In her room later ~

I looked up at the ceiling, wondering why this was happening now. I tossed and turned at terrible thoughts that ran threw my mind.

What if they crashed? What if Hans finds them? And kills them?

Many thoughts like these went threw my head. I could feel the ice seeping out of my body and onto the floor. I shot up, the ice was black and cold. I could feel panic go threw me and my heart be rise up.

I tried to control it but it didn't work. It just got bigger and more powerful. Until my entire room was covered in black spiky ice.

"Isn't it wonderful? " a voice asked from know where. "This ice is made from darkness, all of the darkness in your soul."

I turned in all directions trying to find out where the voice is from.

"You will help me distroy the world and shroud it in fear. We shal rule the world together. With you by my side we are un stopible."

"No! I don't want to be evil! I want peace and what is good.!" I yelled while turning around trying to fallow the voice.

I heard it chuckle "Yes you may try, but you will fail, you see you are slowly frezzing your own heart. And losing control of your powers."

"What do you mean frezzing my own heart?! That isn't possible! " I flet tears trickle down my face.

I just heard the voice laugh and I was then covered in black sand.


I shot up out of bed, it was just a dream, it was just ......a dream. Nothing can hurt me. I looked up at my room, it was covered in ice, not black like my dream but white like it was supposed to be.

I got op and walked over to the window,and what I saw nearly killed me there. On the window in black sand was two words YOUR MINE.

I fell backwards onto the floor. It wasn't just a dream, and I'm gonna die.


Hey thank you for reading, this chapter is spittle bit shorter then I wanted it to be. And FYI I will be switching off chapters between Elsa and Jack. And maybe some of the other characters.

I would love to know what you think plz vote and comment.

I would love to dedicate this to Jordananime because her AMAZING Jelsa fanfic is what inspired me to write this. It is called 'Let the Frost In ' and it is one of the best books I have ever read. The sequal to that is 'Snowflake becomes a Storm ', it isn't completed though.

I'm sorry for any misspelled words or bad grammer. And remember vote and comment, thank you.

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