Chapter 7~memory of promise~

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The darkness faded into the .......castle? I walked down the hallways. No one seemed to notice me.

I saw two kids running around. Playing, laughing. Even the maids seemed to be enjoying it. I walked closer to them.

They were.... Anna and.......Me? They look just how we did when we were younger.

He kids ran down the hallway towards me, I kneeled down to ask them a question and they welt right threw me.

What was that about? I put my hand on my chest. I can feel a heart beat.

"Anna slowdown! " I turned the way of my own voice. Younger me and Younger Anna were running down the stairs into the ball room. I fallowed them. They were both playing on the snow.

All of the colors then mashed together. And then changed. It showed that day that Anna got hurt. It was hard to watch it a second time.

I could see myself running up to her, and crying. As soon as the doors opened, and my parents came rushing in it changed again.

I was in my room all by myself. I was in a corner, covered with a blanket and a pillow behind me. I was working on a puzzle.

The moon light started to move from the floor onto the wall. I was shocked. Both little and big me.

The light then changed into a figure of a boy. He was holding a staff. And I blinked once and the boy was there.

Little me was shocked. The the boy wasn't. I walked aaround and saw him. He had white hair and wonderfully blue eyes. He looked just like Jack Frost! Why?

"Who are you? " little me asked.

"I'm Jack, who are you? " he sat on his staff.

'Could the bale just be a coincidence? I don't think so. '

"You should know who I am. You are in my room." Little me stood up, trying to look brave.

Little Jack chuckled "I do know who you are, I just wanted to hear you say it. "

Little me got an angry look on her face "I am Elsa, Princess of Arendalle. "

Jack started to laugh.

"What's so funny? " little me asked while taking a step forward. The ice slowly starting to form at her feet.

Jack pretended to wipe away a tear, "I don't see a Princess, I see a scared little girl."

Little me was back by this "I'm not scared! " her hands were in fists and the ice was spreading all over the floor.

"Yes you are! Your scared to use your powers! Your weak! " jack pointed at little me.

"NO IM NOT!!!!!!!!!!" Ice started to fly everywhere. It came in waves. Freezing everything in its path. Spiked of ice started to form from the roof.

Jack looked around, "I really have my work cut out for me don't I? "

He walked towards little Elsa who was curled up in a ball on the floor. He knelt down and put a hand on Little Elsas head. "Rest now, we will start tomarrow."

"What? " Little Elsa looked up slightly.

Jack stomped his staff on the ground and all of the ice slowly went away.

He then picked her up, cradling her to his chest "I'll protect you, we can work this out. I promise, I'll always be with you."

I suddenly felt myself floating out of the castle. Leaving Jack and little Elsa.

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