Chapter 8~Depression~

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It has been a week since Elsa woke up, she seems fine. In health only though. Everytime I ask her a question she answers in short sentences only. And wont even eat if I don't bring anything up.

And not only that but she has been avoiding Tooth as well, and Tooth is beating herself over it. I had brought up many times about what she remembered and she would avoids the question at all costs.

About her remembering, I have no idea on what she is talking about. When she says "I remember. " does that mean that she had temporary amnesia?

I looked down at Elsa, she was just watching snow fall out of her window. Something happened and I just don't know what.

"Hey Elsa, do you want to do something?" I was now right next to her.

"No." She mummbled into her hand.

"Well....are you hungry? " I knelt down taking her other hand in mine.

"No, I just ate breakfast." She took her hand out of mine.

"Well how are you feeling? " I put my hand on her knee.

"Ok, I guess." She mummbled, not even looking at me.

"Is there anything I can do for you? " I was now standing.

"No, there isn't anything wrong with me." She didn't even look at me.

"Do you want anything? " I tried to reason with her.

"No." She said in a monton voice.

"Do you want me to leave? " I silently prayed that she would say no.

"If you want to."

"Ok." I walked out of the room and almost ran towards Santa's office.

I knocked on the door lightly.

"Com'in! " I could hear his mouth full of cookies.

I opened the slightly squeeky door slowly.

He was working on something on his desk with his back towards me.

"North, I have a problem."

"Sit down than jack.' He chuckled 'You and me both."

I sat down looking at North. He then turned around.


"Hey Jack I need your help." I looked up at him.

He held in front of me a snow globe.

"With? What? "

"I need your small fingers to go in and tie the two green wires."

"Okkkkayyyyyyy ." I put my fingers threw the bottom and felt around for the wires. Once I felt them I brought them together.

As soon as I did the snow globe lite up. I saw a woman with red ish orange hair holding a blond baby and a blond man hugging them both.

"Christmas is comming soon and they are visiting family. "

The image doomed out showing the earth tells around them.

"I hope Elsa is going to be ok. With Hans and all." The woman said.

"She will be fine, just like before." The man said.

"I don't know, I just have a bad feeling for her." The baby in the woman's arms started to cry.

"Come on Anna, to time to go make dinner."


And with that the snow globe went white.

I leaned forward.

"You fixed it Jack! You really did. Now what did you want to say."

"Oh nothing North, I got what I needed. Thanks." I got up and ran out.

I ran down the hallway and jumped out of the opened window.

The wind pushed me up into the clouds, I was flying threw the clouds. I started to fly North West, towards Arrendalle.

I flew to the castle going for the thrown room. I opened one of the top windows, not worried if anyone would see me. I flew down to were all the senitors were sitting.

"Queen Elsa must have a husband soon!" One proclaimed, slamming his fist on the table.

"Yes but she has rejected all of the ones we have picked! " another said from across the table.

I walked in the middle of the table "Maybe she should chose her own husband, but nooo don't listen to me. Just the weird invisible guardian that has probably saved your life more than once. "

One of the older ones stud up "How about this, we give Queen Elsa 5 years, and for 7 months out of each year we will pick a prince to stay. That will give them time to get to know eachother and will give Elsa 5 months to get her axsiety down."

The men started to lurker amoungs themselves " What if she refuses all 5 princes?"

Without hesitating the man said "Then Queen Elsa must forfit the throne to Princess Anna and her husband Kristoph. "

Sadly there weren't any gasps of surprise but lots of nodes. I couldn't hear anymore, I flew out the window, towards the mountains.


I landed in a clearing full of stones. "Trolls of the earth! I need your help! " I cried out, my voice ecoed.

For a moment there was only silence? Then one of stones twitched. Then two then three. They then all started to roll towards me in a circle manor.

I looked around at them. The stones hen unravled themselves showing little trolls with moss covering their body's.

"What do you need? " one walked up to me, covered in yellow crystals.

I knelt down so we were eye level "I need your help."

He nodded "how can we help you? "

"Im looking for a way to save my girl-...... my friend Elsa."

He looked like he was about to say something but another voice got in the way "Do you mean Queen Elsa of Airendalle?"

I looked up and saw a woman with a swollen belly and a man next to her. They were holding the hands of three younger kids.

I stood up "Yes, and she needs help."

The girl got a concerned face "What is wrong with my sister? "

"Your Anna? " I asked, already knowing the answer.

She nodded walking towards me "Yes, now what us wrong with my sister."

She tried to keep a strong face but you could see so much emotion behind her eyes.

I took a deep breath "She wont eat unless I tell her to, she hasn't gone out of her room for a week. She doesn't smile or laugh. She refuses to sleep. I'm scared for her life."

Anna nodded slowly " This has happened before. "

"Then do you know how to help her!? " I tried to stay calm.

She seemed like she was debating something in her mind "I might, it might not work but it is worth a try. "

"Anything. " I pleaded.

"Ok listen closely."

I sat down and listened.


Hey, this chapter is shorter than what I wanted it to be but the next one I really wanted to be in Elsas Prov. I hope you like it. I promise that I will have a chapter next Sunday.



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