Chapter 2 ~Black Ice? ~

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I sat ontop of Norths workshop. He just sent the northern lights to the other guardians.

He said it was important, like life or death. Mostly for me though, I wonder why. I guess ill have to wait.

~Everyone is here later~

We were all here, and North was rubbing his beard. I guess he was trying to find a way to tell us something.

We were all waiting impatiently, Tooth was shouting orders at her little helpers, the Kangaroo was painting an egg and Sandy was playing cards, with a sand duckling.I was sitting here on my staff.

We were there for a long time until he pulled something out of his pocket ...a......... snow globe?

"Hey lissen North, we know that it is almost Christmas but what's wight the snow globe? " I asked while leaning over.

He chuckled and said "Oh this is no ordinary snow globe it had a message, from Man in moon."

That got everyones attention. They all stopped what they were doing and looked at him. He then threw the snowglobe onto the ground and it shattered. We all looked at him with confused exprestions.

He just smiled and clapped his hands then there was a light, it was shaped like the globe. We all circled around it ontology of the world it showed the out line of a girl, there was ice commingled out of her hands. This made me mad. I thought I was the only one that could play with ice! Then Pitches face showed up, he was laughing evilly, his black cloak shrouted the girl and she started to loose control of her powers. Black ice started to sprout out of her hands. And cover the globe.

After it had ended we all looked at North "What do we do now? " Bunny asked

North chuckled and said "Manny wants us to stop this from happening, who's in? "

Everyone nodded exept me, "Why should I help this girl? Let her die for all I care."

"But Jack! " North yelled, but I didn't hear him. I was already out of the window.

No one is going to replace me! I thought as I flew.

I didn't pay attention to where I was going, but stopped when I saw someone in a white cloak walking in the snow.

I flew down and the person stopped and look strait up at me. "Who are you" a soft voice asked. I guess it was a she .

"Jack frost, and you are? " I said while taking my hand out.

She took it and said "Elsa."

"I don't get a last name? "

"No." Was all she said.

"Well.........Do you want to have some snow fun? " I asked whyle getting closer to her.

She took a step back and shook her head, "Snow isn't fun, its dangerous. "

"Oh come on! Snow is only dangerous when you use in incorrectly. Here let me show you." I blew into the snow ball and three it at her.

Blue sparkles coated her eyes and she started to laugh. She threw back her hood.

I finally got a good look at her, she had wonderful light blue eyes, her platinum blond hair was tucked into a tight bun. In other words she was beautiful.

My thoughts were interrupted with a snowball to the face. I looked over at her and she was giggling. I started to laugh myself.

We then got in a giant snowball fight.

*After snow fun*

She was laying down on her cloak, with one hand blocking what little sun was showing. And the other was catching snowflakes as they fell.

I flew down right above her she she looked at me. Her smile was big "Jack your blocking the view. "

"Well looking at me should be much more entertaining. " I said with a cocky grin.

She just giggled an laid both if her arms down. I got closer to her and grabbed her arms.

"Jack wh-----"

I lifted her up into the air and she screamed. I held her close to my body as we went up.I looked down at her and her face was in my chest. I stopped.

"Elsa ...." I said while poking her head with my freeish hand (it was holding my staff.

"Elsa open your eyes."

She moved her head slightly and looked around. We were in the middle of a snow cloud. It looked like there was thousands of little snowflakes all around us.

She laughed with joy and brought her hand out to touch them. That was when I noticed that she had ......gloves on?

"Hey, why don't you take your gloves off and really feel them? " I said in a friendly gesture.

Her body stiffened .

"Elsa? Are you ok? " I asked while looking at her face.

Her eyes were full of panic, her face had this shocked expression.

She started to tear up.

"Hey, hey, hey, it ok you don't have to. If you don't want to." I said whyle wiping the tears from her face. Knowing she might fall.

"Its ok, its just that I'm scared of I take them off. "

I looker at her, "Why are you scared-"

"Jack -"

"I mean if your a germifobe -"

"Jack -"

"That is totally ok --"

"JACK! "

"What? "

"What is with the sleigh? "

I turned arouse and saw North in his sleigh, along with Sandy, Tooth and Bunny. "Aw crap. " I muttered.

They got closer and went rich above our heads. Elsa screamed and covered her face. She let go and that ment she fell.

"Jack! " I looked down and saw her falling, I dove down and right before she hit the ground I caught her.

I looked at her face, she had tears running down her face. I looked over and saw that the sleigh had already landed. I let Elsa down and handed her, her cloak.

North got put, as did everyone elsa. North looked proud and said "I told you I felt it in here! " whyle holding is tummy.

"Wo, Wo Wo, felt what? " I asked whyle keeping Elsa behind me.

North he out his hand and pointed as Elsa "Where to find our snow queen of course! "

I looked at Elsa her face was just as confused as mine was.

"What? " we both said.

Thank you for reading and I hoped you liked it! I do have a question though, do you guess know how to make a snow flake on a tablet? Kindle fire to be exact? Because I want that and that is what I write my chapters on.

Any who's, please vote, comment and tell me what you think.

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