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I woke up to a strange sound coming from outside of our tent. We were camping in the woods with my best friend, Jacob and Marisa.

We were all in the same tent together, while my parents were in the lovely camper. It was so unfair, well anyway I woke up to a loud noise. It seemed strange since I was the only one awake and the campsite was supposed to be successfully locked from dangerous,nature, animals.

I assumed it was just nothing, so I went back to sleep. A few hours later Jacob woke up, and shook me. My eyes fluttered open, as we saw a strange shadow from the outside of the tent.

"Do you see that,or am I just going crazy?" He asked.
"I was ganna ask you the same thing!" I replied in a whisper.

We woke up Marisa, but before we could explain what we saw, she screamed at the top of her lungs!
"What?!?" I demanded as she just pointed at the shadow. Then a bears shadow was formed.
We all screamed as Jacob held Marisa and me.

After a few hours the bear had left and we all fell back asleep, I felt some cold wind brush against me, then I woke up.

"Jacob,stop messing around," I moaned and then fell asleep. Before my eyes closed something caught my eye, a face was staring at me and the tent was open...

I looked up and saw the face smirk, then drag my feet out of the tent...

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