My Sister

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I'm running far away from her, the once lovely girl who I adored so, so very much!

She met him though, she had met the devil and now is trying to kill me.

She already killed mum- and pa, oh pa died a long time ago.

Authorities don't even know about the death of our parents.

Missy, will never learn the consequence of death.

Mums corps lay down on the floor, watching in horror as me and Missy fight each other to our deaths.

Missy needs no more pain in her life, so why would she be coming after me. It didn't seem right.

Everything's coming too fast, should I kill her and become an orphan, should I let her slaughter me?

I just don't know! I DO NOT KNOW!!!

I need some back up but it won't be worth it. Just then I heard a loud BANG!

I looked to my left and saw her. A snake was wrapped around her arm like an assistant.

"Missy, drop the SNAKE!" I whispered in a frantic voice.

"I'd rather kill you," she whispered in a soft voice.

I dropped my blade as she loaded her gun. She was doing all of this for no reason.

A shrill shiver traveled down my spin making my a little jittery.

"What gives you the right! What makes you think that you could just walk out of the house to go with little lover boy!!?!" Missy screams threw sobs.

I suddenly felt bad for her. I didn't know she felt that way about me.

"Remember when we were little? How I used to give you dolls and trade for AGD cards." I asked with a light giggle.

"Ya, you would try and-"

"Oh shut up and fight already!" Yelled the small snake.

This was crazy! I never believed in the super natural, but at the same time.. I did!

The snake skittered up to Missy's ear and muttered something.

Missy then glared at me and threw a knife at me.

I ducked,leaving a small cut on my arm.

"MISSY!!! WHY MISSY!!???!!! WHAT DID I EVER IN MAN KIND WORLD... EVER DO TO YOU??!!!???" I yelled as she looked a little taken back.

"Pa would be very disappointed in you!" She whispered to me.

I gave her a confused look.


I grabbed my large knife that I had found, and came toward her.

She ducked and threw a knife at my side.

I screamed in pain as I took the knife out of my side and wrapped my neon green jacket around the bloody wound.

I took the knife and threw it into her leg.

She winced in pain as we both took off towards the sewers.

I jumped in the nasty water and yelled as my wound stung.

She finally let the snake leave her arm, as I began to swim up the waterfall.

I finally made it up, which I seemed to think was impossible.

I took another knife and swung it at Missy's neck.

At the moment it hit her neck she flew a knife at my stomach which made me fall backwards into the water.

I heard the snake's voice yell like he was disappearing. A small smirk was painted onto my face.

Missy had not spoken at all, during this, so I looked at the edge of the waterfall. Missy was laying down at the bottom of the sewers.

A tear fell down my wet face as I saw my dead sister.

I jumped down and got a cut from a rock when I reached the bottom.

I tried to look at her worst wound and tried CPR.
Nothing was working.

"MISSY!!!" I started as loud sobs entered the tunnel.

I started choking on my sobs and coughed like I was having a heart attack.

I lay on Missy's lifeless stomach, and heard a cough. I shook Missy's head a little and heard a soft breath go before her stomach went up and flew right back down.

I lay down on Missy's stomach, once more and closed my eyes.

Song: Like I Can by. Sam Smith

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