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I turned off my tv and soon fell asleep, letting my heavy eyes soon fall down.

I began to dream, an intruder had broke into my room and killed me. My blood was scattered everywhere, thick puddles of dark red liquid. My mother had came into my room after hearing my screams and saw me laying on my once bright pink rug.

I was softly shaking,feeling the pain of the knife shove into my chest. I saw a foot come towards my stomach and knew that it was my father, putting me out of my misery.

I was glad that he did it, and knew that he would in real life. But, I couldn't help but wonder why I had a headache and felt pain.  I woke up drenched in what seemed like sweat. I saw my mother crying in a corner.

I looked down at my covers to see that it was actually my rug that I was laying in,and the sweat was actually blood. I began to see bright lights cover the corners of my eyes. The last thing I saw was the foot cover me, then the darkness that filled my eyes.

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