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I was listening to music,when I got a text. I looked at the text and saw a blank space on my screen.

Prank text! I thought as I went back to my favorite songs.
That's when I got a call, I started to freak out and hung up.

I went back to music, that's when I heard a loud ringing, then I couldn't hear anything.

I fell into a deep sleep after the strange incident. I woke up in my house,but it looked all different.

The drawers were all chipped, and the floorboards were cracked. The sink was full with bubbly water, that had a cloth inside.

My house was way more organized than, than this! An old man came up to me and started talking, but I couldn't hear him.

I started saying words but I couldn't even hear myself! I slowly started freaking out.

The man must have saw the look on my face, so he smirked. That's when I blacked out.

I woke back up in my house, that was MY HOUSE!

I screamed at the top of my lungs and couldn't hear myself. I put on my headphones, then turned my music on. I could hear perfectly.

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