1936 - A Mine in Siberia, USSR

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"Pull this," the miner pointed to a cart as tall as Titania, "over there. It's on a track. Be quick about it and we'll share our lunches and a bit of our pay with you."

"What's in it?" She asked, standing on her tiptoes to see inside the cart.

"Uranium," the miner said and walked away.

Titania stared at the cart. Then at the train at the end of the cart's track. It seemed to be a long ways away. Uphill. She frowned. She had to work! If not for herself, than for Timofei!

Titania pulled up the trousers she'd taken from some trashcan. They were old and patched up, but they served her purposes. She inhaled sharply and marched to the cart and grabbed the wooden posts that stuck out. She heaved, but the cart only moved an inch.

Two hours later, and halfway down the track, she figured out it was much easier to push the cart from behind. She pushed and emptied seven carts in twelve hours. The miner she'd talked to earlier gave her a food coupon and a bit of cheese.

The mine rang with hollered goodbyes as the miners left for home. Titania sighed and sat on a bench, her bare feet covered in blisters, and her arms scraped beyond recognition. An old miner, with wrinkles on top of his wrinkles, stopped in front of her. He dug in his pocket and withdrew something. He held it out to her, and smiled, "сладости для сладкого."

She took it and smiled shyly. A brightly colored candy. He obviously could tell she was a girl, despite her dirty face and short hair, but it didn't seem like he was going to stop her. She slipped the candy into her pocket to save for Timofei. "спасибо, дедушка."

He moved on, chuckling. Titania stared with tired eyes at the darkening sky, grinning at the dim stars.

III: The Soldier and the Fairy Queen: Red EveWhere stories live. Discover now