A Glimpse of the Past (2)

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It wasn't long before Silver Wolf returned to find you and Blade standing in silence. She walked up to you, studying you a bit before asking, “You play games?” You nodded to which she smiled. “Sick. Kafka is busy talking to Elio… so wanna play?”
“Play what exactly?”
“Hm… dunno yet.” she snickered before taking your hand and dragging you to a couch. She pulled out a switch and scrolled through her games. “... you familiar with Smash Bros Ult?”
“Oh! Yeah actually!”  you exclaimed.
Her face lit up. “Seriously? Who do you main!?”
“Any of the fire emblem characters really… besides Ike…”
“What do you have against Ike!?” she exclaimed with a laugh.
“Many many things…” you laughed back.

Blade just watched as Rhea and Silver Wolf played together. He didn't notice Kafka coming to stand beside him. “How you fairing, Bladie?” she asked. Blade in response just groaned. “You still upset by the script Elio has with you and her?”
“What do you think?” he spat. “This whole ordeal is absurd.”
“That it may be… but, try not to hold it against her. After all, she doesn't even know..” Kafka suggests. Blade scoffed and glared at Rhea. “Bladie, c’mon, give her a chance…?” Kafka asked.
“No.” he spat before Silver Wolf screamed.
“That’s so cheap!” Silver Wolf exclaimed towards Rhea who burst out laughing.
“What? Have you not played against a Corrin main?” she teased, causing Silver Wolf to flip her off. Rhea laughed as the match finished, resulting in Rhea winning by a slim margin. Blade’s eyes met Rhea’s for a moment. His chest felt tight as her gaze lingered before returning to Silver Wolf.
“Kafka! Blade! Come play with us!! Help me teach this newbie a lesson!” Silver Wolf exclaimed.
“W-what!? Don’t just team up on me!” Rhea gasped.
“Maybe later, Wolfy… Bladie should probably focus on getting cleaned up.” Kafka smiled.
“Ah, right. You two better play later!!” Silver Wolf pouted.

You watched as Blade quickly left without saying a word. “Rhea, mind following me?” Kafka asked.
“Huh?! But she just started playing….” Silver Wolf pouted.
“It’s okay Wolfy, she’ll be able to play later.” Kafka reassured as you walked over to her. “I'll show you your room, Rhea.” Kafka said, taking your hand and leading you down a hall. Eventually you stopped in front of a room. Kafka opened the door, leading you inside. It was a small room but still cozy enough to live in. You hummed as you walked around it, studying it. What caught your eye was your own possessions.
“H-how the hell?” you muttered.
“Thank Wolfy for that. She thought it'd make you feel more at home.”
You clicked your tongue. “Got it… say, Kafka?”
“Yes deary?”
“W-why are you guys doing this?? Gi-giving me a chance—”
“Simple, you're like us. Someone who desires what they normally could never have.” she said, looking down solemnly. “Get some rest, someone will come get you in the morning.” she said, waving goodbye and shutting the door.

“Heyyy! Over here!!” you called out, waving your hand around to get his attention. “Jing Yuan!!!”
“Not so loud, I'm sure he can hear you…” a man laughed beside you. In response, you stuck out your tongue at him, causing him to laugh lightly. “Real mature now, aren't we?”
“You know it.”
As he was about to retort, Jing Yuan greeted the two of you. “You two are getting along I see~” he laughed, flashing a smile towards both of you.
You rolled your eyes. “Why wouldn't we?”
“Jing Yuan, Yī nuò wanted to try sparring with you.”
Jing Yuan smiled towards you, “Do you now? Let me indulge you then.”
You cheered before grabbing your naginata and readying it. “Is that a new weapon?”
“Mhm! He forged it for me!!” you said, gesturing over to your friend with white hair.
“Now isn't that just adorable…” Jing Yuan laughed, causing him to blush.
He covered his face to hide his reddening cheeks. You quickly hugged him, looking up at him with a bright smile. “You okay, Yingxing?”

You woke up to something slamming. You jolted awake to be met with Blade and a younger looking boy with white hair and blue eyes. Before you could say anything, the boy waved towards you. “Sorry about that, Rhea… Blade has a bad habit of slamming things…” the boy laughed softly. “You're probably wondering who I am, aren't you?” he asked. You slowly nodded, letting him continue. “I'm what you know as “Destiny's Slave”... you can just call me Elio though!”
“W-wait, you're—!?” you gasped.
“Could you be any more annoying?” Blade scoffed.
“Please excuse him, Rhea. He's slow to warm up to anyone…”
“... noted.”
“I have to go, Blade, I trust you'll adhere to what is expected?” he asked. Blade just nodded, still glaring at you. “Alright then… Rhea, it was lovely meeting you!” Elio said before strolling away.

Blade's eyes pierced yours as he stared at you. “Get up.” he spat.
“Doing so!” you exclaimed as you got outta bed. You got some clothes out of a closet before turning to Blade. “You gonna leave… or??”
“Cause I'm getting changed??”
“Why bother?” 
You blinked a couple of times before laughing. “Seriously?” Blade nodded causing you to roll your eyes. “Fine… I'll get ready later then.”

You followed Blade to what seemed to be a training room. Kafka and Silver Wolf were there with a person in armor. Silver Wolf smiled towards you and waved. “Rhea!! You ready to train?” she asked.
“H-huh? Train??? W-wait, am I training with one of you?”
Kafka nodded. “Depending on your weapon of choice, one of us will train with you.”
“What is your weapon?” the person in armor asked.
“I… don't have one?”
“What?” Blade asked.
“You went on that mission without a weapon!?” Silver Wolf exclaimed. “Are you crazy!?”
“T-the IPC usually sets us up with that kinda stuff!! They didn't give me anything..” you explained. The room went silent at this, Kafka flashing you a sympathetic smile.
Finally, the person in armor spoke. “So… we were correct… they were luring you into a death trap…”
You froze as Blade nodded. Kafka sighed as you looked to her for an explanation. “The IPC had Intel that one of us were in that area… they figured your group would be attacked—”
“Wait… that doesn't make sense though..? W-we weren't told about that at all… a-and the mission was just to discuss business as per usual with someone…” you muttered.
“Yeah about that… that was just their cover.” Silver Wolf said. “I found texts in between the higher up's… They were def planning on killing you.”
“B-but… I'm friends with one of them?? He wouldn't let that happen…” you whispered.
“Who?” Silver Wolf asked.
Silver Wolf whipped out her phone before scanning over it. “Yeah, he wasn't included in any of the texts between the higher ups. I doubt he even knew.”
You looked down. Part of you felt lighter knowing Aventurine probably wasn't involved but the rest of you felt weighed down by all of this new information. In the end, you just nodded. “You okay, deary?” Kafka asked.
“You ready to train?” she asked to which you nodded. “What weapon best suits you?”
You pondered this for a bit. “Maybe… a naginata?”
Kafka smiled before looking at Blade. “Bladie, don't you have one of those? Do you mind lending Rhea it?” Blade glares at Kafka before scoffing and leaving.

“Huh? He's actually getting it… isn't it like, really valuable to him?” Silver Wolf asks. Kafka nods as Blade comes back with a naginata. It looked like it was specifically made with someone in mind, it had etchings engraved into it.
Blade walks over to you and hands you it before leaning in. “If you damage it in any fashion, I will kill you.”
“Duly noted.” He glared at you once more before taking his place across from you, drawing his sword. “W-wait… I'm fighting you!?”
“Yes, and I suggest you focus, I won't be going easy.”
You nodded, readying the naginata. A flow of warmth engulfed you before a blue flame was traced along the engravings of the weapon, eventually lighting the blade ablaze. Blade's eyes narrowed, and without warning, he rushed towards you. You gasped, throwing up a veil of flame in front of you. However, Blade rushed through it no problem, his flesh getting severely burned in the process. Just as he was about to hit you, Kafka whispered something, stopping him dead in his tracks. Blade growled, trying to fight her control. “Let me go, now.”
“Bladie, you're trying to kill the poor girl…” Kafka sighed. “Besides… your Mara suddenly flared up…”
Wait… his… his Mara? You looked towards him, your naginata losing its glow. “... so… the rumors about you being immortal… are true?” Blade looked like he wanted to tear you apart limb from limb right now.
Instead of answering you, he simply spat, “How did you activate it?”
“The naginata's potential… how did you activate it?”
“Y-you mean the flames? Dunno, just… kinda happened and went with it.”
“Impossible.” he spat, eyes digging into your own. “The only person who could wield it is dead.”
“Kafka, can you let him go?” you asked.
“That wouldn’t be wise, deary…”
“Please?” Kafka sighed before nodding.
Blade starts walking towards you once more, his sword still in hand. He creeps closer to you, dragging his sword against the floor. You lowered your naginata, meeting his gaze. He stops right in front of you before saying. “Come, we need to discuss this.” You sighed and followed him.

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