Casino Royale (8)

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(CHAPTER WARNINGS: Mentions of s.a, implied s.a, talk of slavery. Let me know if I need to add more)

You looked down at the ground, not wanting to look at any of the faces of the men who would potentially hurt you more. You were kneeled on the ground, a leash around your neck, next to your master who insisted you remain by his side and act as a “proper trophy”. He seemed to be on a winning streak as he laughed loudly, boasting his riches. Your nails dug into your palms as you tried to contain your hatred for the man. “Who wants to challenge me!?” you heard him exclaim with a hearty cackle. No one responded for a while, and you thought it would remain that way until someone spoke up.
“I'll go.” a sly voice called out before walking up to the table. You felt his eyes on you. “... how much for the girl?”
“Oh? You want the slut for yourself? Hate to break it to ya, but she's my property, you'll have to be willing to bet if you want her.”
“Alright.” the man said without hesitation. This got you to look up slightly at whoever this man was. He wore an extravagant outfit, tinted glasses covering his eyes. He brushed some of his blonde locks out of his eyes before sitting down at the table. “I assume you're familiar with poker?” he asked.
“Of course, now… what are you willing to bet?”
“How does 1,000,000 credits as a starting bet sound?” he asked, nonchalantly checking his nails.
Your master's mouth hung open before quickly recovering. “For the slave? Hah! You really are a desperate son of a bitch…”
The blonde man didn't respond, you could tell he was looking at you behind his glasses.
“... it's a bet then,” he said. He slid the corresponding chips on the table. The dealer looked at the two men before dishing out the cards. The blonde looked at his cards, the smile plastered on his face not faltering.
“I'll call.” your master said confidently, sliding the same amount of chips into the pile. And so, the match began. The two played a couple of rounds, neither of them seeming too scared of the other. The bet eventually became higher, your master tapping the table twice multiple times. The first round ended with the blonde revealing his hand.
“Royal Flush.” he said, his expression unchanging.
Your master seemed pissed. “... you got lucky. How's double or nothing sound?”
“I say… we add an extra variable. If you're so confident I simply ‘got lucky’ then you won't mind betting your life, would you?” the blonde said, his gaze unwavering.
“Are you brave or just daft? It's your funeral!” you master cackled.
“On the contrary…” the man said with a smirk.
And so match two started. With each round, the man would raise the bet. He's either insanely dumb or… he truly does have a good hand… you thought. It wasn't long till your master seemed to be getting desperate. The man laughed darkly, seeming to notice this as well. “It looks like this is about to wrap up… a shame really… you weren't even a worthy opponent…” he sighed, turning over his cards. “Royal Flush.”
Your master looked like he could keel over dead on the spot. “I-impossible! You clearly cheated!!”
“I can assure you, I did no such thing. Now… remind me what you owe me?”
“Bullshit!! I call for a rematch!”
“... he owes you over 3,569,000 credits… his life… and me.” you muttered, looking up at the man. The man smiled softly towards you.
“Exactly right.” he said, taking a gun from the dealer and examining it. “... I wonder… what would make you suffer the most?”
Without warning, he shot your master in the shoulder, causing your master to scream out and stumble back.
“W-who the fuck do you think you are!?” your master yelled, clutching at his shoulder.
“... Aventurine. Remember the name well.” he said nonchalantly, walking over to you and standing beside you. He shot your master again, this time in the knee. “Don't even think about getting up.” he threatened before kneeling down in front of you. He took off his glasses, meeting your gaze.

Those eyes… i… I've seen them before…

That's when it clicked. Aventurine smiled towards you, seeming to notice how you remembered him. “It's been a while… hasn't it?” he asked, his voice soft.
All you could do was nod, too stunned to be able to speak coherently. “... this man… made you suffer, didn't he?”
“Y-yeah…” you muttered.
“Then… I'll make his death as painful as I can. If you have any ideas of how to do so… please indulge me.” he said, taking your hand in his and pulling you up to stand next to him. The man watched you with sheer horror in his expression as Aventurine pointed the gun at him once more. His other hand still held your own, gripping it tightly. “... he probably touched you there… didn't he?” Aventurine whispers before shooting the man's thigh. “... there as well.” he said menacingly, shooting the man in the hip. You stared at the man, your grip tightening around Aventurine's hand. Before Aventurine could shoot him again, you reached for the gun. “What's wrong?” Aventurine asked, concern lacing his voice.
“... let me… please.” you said softly. Aventurine met your gaze, his eyes piercing your own.
“Are you sure..?”
“Y-yeah…” Aventurine nodded before hanging the gun over to you. He stood next to you, glancing at you nervously.
“If you can't do it, then—” Before he could finish his sentence, you aimed the gun at the man's head and shot. He slumped over dead, blood dragging on the wall behind him. Aventurine stared at the body, his expression darkening. “... you mercy killed him… didn't you?” he whispered. When no response escaped from you, he sighed. “... it's okay… just… personally think he should've suffered more..” He clicked his tongue before smiling softly at you. “Let's get away from this mess, yeah?”

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