Affection (10)

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(A bit shorter than usual)

You and Blade strolled around Golden Hour. You kept ‘ooooo'ing’ and ‘ahhhh’ing’ at roughly everything, causing Blade to look almost embarrassed to be around you. You pulled out your phone as Blade was (finally) looking at something that interested him. You stuck up a peace sign  before snapping a selfie with him.
“What did you just do?” Blade asks, making you jump slightly.
“... Rhea.”
“I just took a picture with you!! That's all!!”
“Delete it.” he instantly spat.
“What? Hell no! My phone, my picture!” you exclaimed before yelping as Blade tried to grab your phone from your hands. You pulled it away in time before laughing at him and sticking your tongue out. He wasted no time in trying again. You hugged your phone in an attempt to hold onto it, turning your body away from him whenever he would get close to grabbing it. You laughed happily until he eventually just gave up and pinned you against a wall.
“Give it.” he commanded, holding his hand out expectedly.
You pouted and with a sigh reluctantly handed it over. “It was such a good picture too….”
He looked at your phone before pressing a few buttons and handing it back to you. You took it back before gasping to see the picture was still on your phone. You look up at him, tilting your head wondering what he did with it. He didn't say anything as he looked towards a bar. “... want to go there?”
“O-oh… yeah! You know it's a bar right?”

You both walked in and took seats at a booth in the corner. “You trust me enough to grab you a drink?” He just nodded. After a couple of minutes, you came back with two drinks.
Blade raised his eyebrow. “... what are these?”
“Custom drinks, just trust me.” you said, sliding Blade his drink. “They're supposed to make you feel a certain type of way… so, I asked for a certain type of feeling for you and a specific feeling for me.”
“And what would that be?” Blade asked, eyeing the drink. “If you're hoping to get me drunk, I can guarantee it won't work.”
“Oh c'mon! I wouldn't!!! I asked for a drink that is supposed to have a calming effect.”
“You always seem tense… thought it might help. Even if it doesn't, wouldn't hurt to try.”
Blade sighed. “Fine. I'll entertain your delusion.”
“Delusion!? What the hell, Ren!?” you exclaimed as he took a sip of his drink. “... anything?”
Blade didn't respond as he looked at the drink curiously. “... you said this drink has a calming effect, Rhea?” he asked, his tone softer than normal.
“Mhm, why do you ask? Is it working??”
“I believe so…” he whispered before taking another sip of his drink.
“Seriously!? That's amazing!!” you beamed, finally drinking your own drink. “I'm super glad, Ren!”
“What did you ask for in your own?” he asked as he visibly began to relax further.
“Asked them to surprise me. We gambling with my emotions!”
Blade rolled his eyes before leaning back in the booth. “You're an idiot.”
“Oh shut it, you adore me.” you snickered. Blade simply chuckled before drinking more.

After a while of drinking, you scooted closer to Blade without really realizing It. That was until Blade yawned and leaned his head on top of yours. You froze as your heart began to flutter. “R-ren?” you shakily asked to no avail. You put a hand on his thigh and shook him gently. “R-ren…???” Still nothing. “... did you fall asleep on me??” you asked softly. Blade's phone lit up on the table, causing you to glance at it.

I shouldn't check it without his permission… but what if it's important?? Like… what if its from Silver? Or Elio??

You hesitantly reached for his phone, trying not to disturb Blade before turning it on. To your surprise it unlocked instantly. It was opened to your chat log with him. He… he sent the picture I took to himself?  you thought. You backed out of your texts and went to the home screen to reveal the same picture had been changed into his background. A wave of warmth engulfed you as you looked at Blade who was still fast asleep on you. You looked back at his background. In the photo, he was looking up at the dreamscapes sky, shooting stars illuminating the background. His hair was half up in a messy bun, with a hairstick poking through it. He wore streetwear while you were in more comfy attire. The more you looked at the picture you took, the more your heart seemed to float. You slowly took your phone out and took another picture of you and Blade before texting it to him.

Rhea: Punishment for falling asleep <3

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