Fiery Bond (3)

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He led you to his room before slamming the door behind you. “Tell me, how are you able to wield that naginata and use its power?” Blade asked, leaning against the wall.
“To be honest… I don't really know… I know that's not the answer you want to hear but… it's the truth.” Blades face contorted into one of disgust. “I just… had a dream last night… where I think I saw into someone else's life… they had a naginata… which now that I'm thinking about it, looks exactly like this one…”
“Think their name was something like…Yi… Yi nuo?”
Blade froze upon you saying this. “Y-Yī nuò?
You nodded, “Yeah, that's it.”
“Impossible… how… how do you know about her!?” he screamed suddenly.
“Like I said, I just dreamed about someone else's life… it.. isn't that uncommon for me…”
“There shouldn't be any way you can wield the weapon the same way she could…”  he said in a hushed tone, as if he was talking to himself. All of a sudden, he groaned in pain before grabbing his head.
“G-get away!” he screamed, glaring at you.  You jumped slightly before steadying yourself. Against your better judgment, you walked towards him.
“I-is… this the mara?” you asked him, your voice soft.
He just grunted in response, backing away from you slightly.
“... is there anything I can do to help?”
You paused, letting out a long sigh. You held out the naginata for Blade to take. “... take it. If it's that important to you… then maybe it will help?” Without hesitation, he snatched it from your hands. You smiled towards him softly, “I… I'll be here if you need me, okay?”

Hours passed before you finally saw Blade again. He opened your door and stared at you before saying, “Follow me.”
You two walked silently for a bit till you arrived at what seemed to be a training area. The naginata was leaning against the wall. Blade motioned towards it, “Take it.”
“Just do it.” he spat.
You sighed and grabbed the naginata, glancing at Blade as you did so. “D-does this mean we’re training?”
Blade nodded, drawing his sword. “Come at me.”
“Y-you're not going to fight back?” you asked him. He shook his head, eyes glaring at you expectedly. W-what if I hurt you?”
“You won't. Besides, you can't learn without pain.” he said matter of factly.
You laughed lightly. “Confident I won't get a hit in, are we?”
“Very. Now come at me.” You nodded, rushing forwards with your naginata and lunging towards him. He easily sidestepped your attack, deflecting your naginata with his sword. “Again.” You paused before nodding and going at him again. This time, he knocked the naginata out of your hands with ease.
“Pick it up and try again. If this was an actual battle, you'd be long dead.” So you did so, going at him again and again only to be deflected or dodged each time. Despite your exhaustion, you kept at it, your attacks getting sloppier as time went on. Blade knocked the weapon out of your hand again, pointing his sword directly at you. You froze instantly. “Your attacks are easy to read. You're getting sloppy.”
“Y-ya think?”
“Focus your anger on me. Put that anger into your attacks.” he ordered, gesturing towards the naginata with his sword. You nodded, grabbing your naginata and standing there for a moment, thinking of how to catch him off guard. “You're leaving yourself open.”
“I know… taking advantage of the fact this isn't an actual fight…” you muttered. You swear you saw Blade smirk for a second before his face went back to its usual cold expression. You clicked your tongue and nodded. “Alright, I'm ready.”
“Then, you know what to do.” You nodded before doing the usual rush towards him attack. When he deflected your attack, you smirked before engulfing the naginata in flames. His eyes widened as he staggered back a bit. Using this, you swung the naginata again towards him, finally slashing his shoulder. He quickly recovered and dearmed you once more.

You sighed, “H-how was that?”
“Good, you managed to get a hit on me… albeit a weak one—”
“I'll take it! It's better than nothing!” you laughed. Blade’s eyes lingered on you for a moment before nodding.
“If you say so.”
You smiled towards him, “I-is the wound hurting at all?”
“No, any damage you've inflicted has already healed.” he said.
“For real!? Thats… kinda cool actually…” you muttered.
Blade rolled his eyes, letting a faint smile linger for a second too long. “That's enough for today, you've done well.”
“C-can we do this again tomorrow?”
“I wouldn't deny a request like that…”
“Sick! Then… make sure you're ready for me!! Im'a find a way to kick your ass!” you exclaimed happily.
This caused him to chuckle. “We'll see about that.”

You left the room only to find Silver Wolf and a girl with gray and blue hair leaning against the wall. You stared at them for a bit before they noticed you. “G-gah! R-rhea… wassup—” Silver Wolf exclaimed.
“Were you two listening in on us?” you interrupted.
“W-what!? No! We would never…. right Firefly?” Silver Wolf asked the girl.
“U-uh… y-yeah… we were… I-it was Silver's idea though!” Firefly said.
“Way to sell me out, Firefly…” Silver Wolf sighed.
You rolled your eyes just as Blade came out of the room as well. He instantly glared at the two girls. “And what were you two doing?” he asked, his tone cold.
“I-I… ummm… run!” Silver Wolf yelled, grabbing Firefly's hand and sprinting away. Blade sighed and turned to you. “They were listening in on us… weren’t they?”
You laughed and nodded. “Seems so.”

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