Kakavasha (6)

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(CHAPTER WARNINGS: Mentions of slavery, implications of s.a. Let me know if there's more that need to be added)

Kakavasha was practically shoved into the manor by his master before the door slammed behind him. He groaned as he eyed the place, searching for whoever rented him out for a few hours. His eyes landed on a girl about his age, staring at him from the staircase. He didn't make any notion to talk to her as he watched her intently, waiting for you to make any move.  Finally, the girl broke the silence.

“A-are… you that slave that was supposed to come?” she asked, her voice cautious.
Kakavasha clenched his fists before nodding, refusing to say anything else. She clicked her tongue, standing up from her spot on the staircase and walking down it. “Y-you… look around my age…” she muttered.
“Where are your parents?” Kakavasha asked, just wanting this ordeal to get over and fast.
“The people that rented me, where are they?”
She looked down for a second. “T-that… would be me.”
Kakavasha raised an eyebrow. If she was lying, she was incredibly good at it. After a bit of silence, he spoke up. “... why?”
“... P-please don't get the wrong idea… I don't have any intention to use or harm you in any way… just… needed someone to talk to I guess…” she muttered, looking down at her hands.
“And you rented me for… that alone?” he asked, his tone harsh. She nodded slowly. “... why?”
“I… don't have anyone else..” she said, her eyes glancing at him.
He rolled his eyes and sighed. “... then… what do you need to talk about?”
“... how many hours do we have again?”
“... k’.” she said, walking down the stairs and towards him, something in hand. He flinched as she took one of his hands in hers before taking something to the shackles around his wrists.
“W-what are yo—” he muttered before the shackles loosened around his wrists, letting him free.
“... they dropped the key off earlier… i… don't like that you're chained up.” she said matter of factly. “I don't have one for the leash however… i.. I'm sorry..”
He stared at her, trying to find any sort of ulterior motive, but could find none. “... its… it's okay” he whispered. “Thats… more than anyone has ever done… so… thank you.” He cursed himself internally for letting his guard down enough to thank her, but that feeling of dread vanished instantly upon seeing her smile.
“I-im glad..! Y-you can sit anywhere by the way…” she said warmly.

He opted to take a seat on a nearby couch, with her taking the other end of it. “... how'd someone your age even manage to get enough money for a place like this?? I'm taking it your parents are rich or?”
“N-not at all…. I.. have no idea where my parents even are, if I'm being honest!” she said with a sad laugh. “T-they could be dead for all I know…”
He froze upon hearing that. “T-then… how?”
“... im.. just going cut straight to the point.. i.. I fucked up… like… really badly…” she muttered, her hands shaking slightly. “I… messed with the wrong people…”
“Did you steal money from them?” he asked to which she nodded.
His eyes widened as she looked at him with fear in her eyes. “I… t-they're after me… it doesn't matter if I return what I stole… just… the idea I even did so… seems to infuriate them…”
“Y-You're on the run?”
“Have been… i… I don't know what to do…” she muttered before shaking her head. “A-anyways… enough about me… what about you? What's your name?”
“H-huh?” he gasped, not expecting her sudden change of mood. “... i-its.. Kakavasha…”
“K-kakavasha?” she repeated, trying to sound it out. “That's a really cool name! Haven't heard one like it before!” she smiled.
“What's yours?” he caught himself asking.
“M-mine…? I… it's Rhea…” she said, suddenly getting flustered.
“Simple name… but fitting.” he muttered, gazing at her. “Is that an alias, or your actual name?”
“Ac-actual… i… don't really feel like using an alias…” she laughed nervously. “W-wait, do you need food or anything? There's plenty here.. “
“I… wouldn't mind that…”
Rhea smiled at him before getting up. “I'll lead the way to the kitchen then, you can pick what you want.”

Kakavasha started following her through the various halls of the manor. However, an all too familiar scent filled his senses. He lingered behind a bit, looking into a room with the door half open. Peering through the opening, he froze upon seeing a body lying on the ground, drenched in blood. His breath caught in his throat before turning around to see Rhea staring at him. Rhea looked at him panicked before exclaiming, “I-I can explain!” She wasted no time in doing exactly that, not letting Kakavasha even think about any other possibilities.

“I… I broke into this manor… but please don't think I did this! I… found them like this… in a pool of their own blood… they… were dead by the time I got here…” she stuttered. “I-I… didn't know what to do… so I… haven't done anything with the body…”
“W-what the fuck?” Kakavasha whispered. His eyes searched her figure. She isn't lying…
“I.. I tried to save them… i-i…” she whispered, her eyes filling with tears. Before Kakavasha could respond, there was a loud bang from downstairs. Rhea froze. “T-times… not up…” she muttered before hurriedly looking outside the window. Whatever she saw out there seemed to drain all color from her as she quickly ducked out of view.
“W-whats wrong?”
“It's them.” she whispered in a shaky voice.
Kakavasha's eyes widened. “T-the.. people who are after you?” She nodded shakily. Kakavasha cursed under his breath before grabbing her hand and pulling her up. “We need to hide, now.”

Kakavasha ran with her dragging behind him, pulling her into a hiding spot behind a large bookcase. Kakavasha covered her mouth to mute her cry when they heard the front door being broken down. He brought his finger up to his mouth to signal to her to be quiet. She shakily nodded before hugging him tight. He froze for a second before slowly wrapping his arms around her frame as well, trying his best to keep her calm.

Heavy footsteps crept closer and closer to the room where they were hiding, causing Kakavasha to flinch with every step. His hold on her became tighter as he desperately tried to think of a way out of this. “K-kakavasha…?” Rheas voice sounded off in a soft whisper. She parted from his embrace before looking at him, her eyes bloodshot. “... i.. I think I know a way for you to get out of this…” she whispered. Kakavasha looked at her confused as she put on a pained smile for him. “P-please… don't gamble your life away like I'm about to.” Before he could comprehend what she meant by that, she pushed him away, freeing herself from his hold and running out into the hall. “Hey assholes!!! Try to fucking catch me!” she yelled before the sounds of heavy footsteps could be heard rapidly getting closer to her. Kakavasha froze, hearing her run away for only a second before she let out a loud scream. Kakavasha's breath hitched as he clutched at his throat, trying to remain quiet. However, when no more sounds from her could be heard, he ran out from his hiding spot to where he heard her last.

“This is the whore who evaded you for so long?” a burly man laughed, kneeling down in front of Rhea and playing with her hair. Kakavasha’s eyes darted towards Rhea's figure. She was laying on the ground, blood pooling underneath her head. “She'll make a wonderful slave…”

In an instant, Kakavasha felt his adrenaline skyrocket. He wanted to scream at them, get them to stop before they could hurt her worse but his voice wouldn't come. He watched as the burly man picked her up and threw her over his shoulder roughly.
“She'll sell in an instant. Someone's bound to want someone young like her.” another man said. “Considering how fragile she seems, I'm sure someone will have fun.”
Kakavasha clenched his fists, but could only stare as the men started walking off with her in their grasp. That's when he noticed his master with the men. His master turned around and smiled instantly when he saw Kakavasha.
“I was wondering where you were… hm… where are your shackles? Don't tell me that whore took them off…” The men carrying Rhea stopped before his master dismissed them. “Continue on, I'll handle my pet.”
“... let her go.” Kakavasha finally said once the men were walking away.
“Hm? Finally have a voice, do we?” the man chuckled.
“I said let her go.”
“And why would I do something as idiotic as that? She's simply getting what she deserves. I'm sure someone will have their way with her.”
Without warning, Kakavasha rushed forward, attacking the man.

He doesn't remember what happened next. All he can picture is himself standing over the beaten body of the man that once owned him, his hands bloodied and bruised. He doesn't remember how long it took for the IPC to find him nor how they beat him. All that was encompassing his mind was the sad smile Rhea gave him before signing her life away.

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