New Perspective (7)

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You looked down at your drink and sighed. “... me neither. That's… why I need to ask you something.”
“What is it?” Aventurine asked, seeming to snap out of his thoughts.
“... you can't let the IPC know I'm alive.” you said, your voice hoarse.
Aventurine nodded. “I know. I wasn't planning to. I'm not going to let them hurt you.”
“Don't you dare get all sappy on me now… “ he smiled softly. “You really thought I'd do anything different? Knowing our history?? You wound me, Rhea.” he let out a light laugh.

“Aw look! They're smiling and laughing!! That's a good thing, right?” Firefly asked, looking at Blade, who simply scoffed. He glared at Aventurines hand, which was on top of Rhea's.
“Remind me of the history between these two.” Blade said.
“O-oh… I don't really know! Seems they're really close, though, doesn't it?” Firefly smiled.
“Too close to just be friends…” Blade scoffed.
“Aw! You're jealous, aren't you Ren?” Firefly teased before getting glared at by Blade.
“Does this change the script in any way?” he asked.
“I don't believe so. Otherwise, Elio would've told us!”

You and Aventurine clinked your drinks together. “To hiding shit from the IPC.” he smirked.
“To hiding shit from the IPC!” you cheered before downing your drink.
He laughed lightly, “Rhea… you do know these are alcoholic, right?”
“Figured as much… w-what, you scared I’ll get hic drunk?”
“Andd… new record. Only 3 drinks in, and you're already hiccuping…” Aventurine sighed. “.. You're so lucky hangovers don't last long here…”
“What's that supposed to mean!?” you exclaimed.
Aventurine laughed lightly, squeezing your hand. “Let's get you somewhere safer… before you do something stupid.”
“I can't be stupid if I've won the intergalactic peace prize!”
“... you didn't even.” Aventurine sighs. "C'mon, Rhea—”
You giggled before getting up, swaying a bit. “I wanna fight someoneeee…”
“Kakavashaaaaaaa…. Lemme fight someoneee!”
“... yeah, no.” Aventurine sighed, grabbing your sleeve and dragging you along with him.

You whined the whole way to the Reverie. “You know the way to your room?” Aventurine asked.
“Y-yeah…” you sighed. “I… think I'm good to go there by myself…”
“Oh no you don't. What if some weirdo tries to kidnap you or something?” Aventurine said with a light laugh.
“Th-then I'd kick their ass…!”
“... what is with you and wanting to fight people??”
“O-oh! Excuse me… may I talk to Rhea for a second?” you heard Firefly ask from behind you.
You turned around before giggling. “Fireflyyyyy!!!”
“O-oh… you two know each other?”Aventurine asked.
Firefly nodded happily. “Mhm! We're rooming together. So, I can take her to the room, if you wouldn't mind!”
Aventurine looked towards you, concern in his eyes before sighing. “Alright.. just.. make sure she's safe?”
“Will do!”

Before long, you were back in reality, Blade standing over you. You blinked a few times. “H-huh…? Blade?”
“I see you got drunk…” he sighed. “You're fortunate that the effects only seem to last in the dreamscape…”
“You sound just like him…” you groaned.
“Mhm! Wait… how'd you know?” you asked, staring at Blade.
“Saw you together, that's all.” he responded, nonchalantly.
“I thought you weren't going in the dreamscape?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I wasn't going to.”
“Then what made you?”
Blade scoffed. “Firefly told me you randomly embraced this man… we were watching to make sure you didn't do anything stupid.”
“You were stalking me!?” you gasped. “Blade… I thought you were better than that…” you said, putting on a fake pout.
“What's the history between you two?” Blade asked, eyeing you.
“Huh? Between me and Aventurine? Why do you wanna know?”
“No reason, I'm just curious is all.”

You looked down before sighing. “It's… kinda a long story.”
“I have time.” Blade said, leaning against the wall. His eyes never left yours.
“Well… if you insist… I met him when he was still a slave… I rented him for a few hours to just have someone to talk to… someone who wouldn't betray me.” Blade eyed you, curiosity tinting his features. “I… don't know if you know this, maybe you do… but… I was on the run for a while from really powerful people… I did something stupid and… I eventually paid for it.”
“When I was with him… the people I was running from found us. He hid us but I wasn't going to just let him put himself in danger for my mistake… so I ran out and they knocked me out… next thing I know, I was being auctioned on the slave market.” Blade's eyes narrowed upon you saying this, his gaze cold.
“Go on.” he said, his voice devoid of any clear emotion.
“It stayed like that for a while… I… had a lot of assholes use me for… less than holy things. It.. went on like that for a good year… then, it luckily stopped because of him…”
“Y-yeah… he… literally saved me…” you said, smiling softly. “I… can never repay him for that.”
“... may I inquire how he did so?” Blade asked, his voice softer than usual.
“Yeah… we were at a casino… my master at the time was gambling with some people…”

The Bonds That Bind Us (Oc x Blade HSR)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang