Chapter 7 Terms of Our Marriage

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Katara's POV
I can also found out who killed our mother,she thought. But to not look suspicious she said,"It'd be great for both of the nations to be in peace." He looked at her to see if she wasn't bluffing but he said to her,"True it'd be nice if the nations will be in peace." Then he started walking and she started walking too and he looked at the soldiers and said,"We're done here we can leave." Then they all started walking to the ship. Once they were in the waters Katara,Zuko,and his uncle walking in the inside of the ship. While they were walking she asked," where's my room?"
He turned his head halfway and said,"You're going to stay with my uncle. And my room is off limits so don't even try going inside." She nods and mutter to herself,"Is he always this grumpy?" "No he isn't and give him some time,"his uncle said calmly. She looks at him and then give a nod of uncertainty. "Well would you two excuse me I'm going to my room to sleep." Zuko looked at his uncle then sighed and looks at her said,"We might as well go outside and discuss our terms our marriage."
They walked outside of the boat and he turned around to look at her and said,"I'm only going to say this once but these are the terms:

1. Don't try to pry over mine's or people's business
2. Try to look in love in public and if it was last resort be more romantic
3. Do not keep any secrets
4. If there are royal meetings or businesses don't try to interfere
5. No Sex or if the individual doesn't want to but if both individuals are drunk have sex they both will agree not to talk about it
6. Try to not embarrass each other and in front of the Fire Lord

So do you agree yes or no?" She nods and said,"No offense but you look like a person I wouldn't have sex with you just look like a statue." He glares at her when she said that because the soldiers started to laugh. He also glares at them then they as well and she said,"...Sorry but yes I agree to the terms." Before he was going to walk back on the ship she asked,"Why couldn't you marry the Northern Tribe Princess Yue? She's also in the Water Tribe." He looks at her and said,"It was my father's decision so I don't go against it."
She looks at him and said confused,"So are you doing this for his attention or your honor?" He said,"Both but mostly for my father's attention so I can go back home." Then he walked back inside. She said to one of the soldiers,"He seriously have daddy issues and he's also a daddy's boy."
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