Chapter 9: The Rescue

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Idk ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

Zuko's POV
  God DAMN it I don't why I have to do this, will be better than Azula ruling. Because if she ruled the Fire Nation she wouldn't want to just rule the Nation she would want to rule all 4 nations. He thought himself frustrated as well as relief. I was also standing outside of the boat. But enough of this I need to capture the avatar to regain my honor. (Even if he's kicked out he's still locked in about the honor) WHOOSH! BANG! He covered himself from getting attacked.
He screamed at one of the soldiers,"What the HELL was that!" The soldier pointed at the sky and screamed back,"Up THERE your highness." He looked up and saw Aang,(after chapter 11 I think...I will  explain the back story)Sokka,and Appa. Then he remembered before he got his bride. He saw a beam of light in the middle of the sky and knew right away that it was the Avatar. He didn't want to look obvious so he got Katara first. (This is his backstory of Zuko finding the Avatar) He smiled and said,"FINALLY! I got YOU where I wanted."

Katara's POV
  Walking up to the other side of the boat. I've to do this so I can know what happened to Mom and who'd killed her as well,she thought as she stood on the side of the boat. After I married him I could just get divorced,right? She thought after but tried to consider the thought. Then she walked to the nearest soldier and asked,"Excuse me, um...hi did the Fire Lord and his wife ever get divorced after they got married?" The soldier gave her side eye but answered,"No they never got divorced but the wife just  disappeared but never heard again we don't even know if she's alive." She looked surprised and said,"Oh."   
Then asked,"She just left her children?" He nodded and walked away after. Then she felt bad and rethinking whether to leave or not to leave him or not. She has to admit she did a little bit of studying of the fire nation there and now. (How? I don't know) Then she heard a loud bang on the other side of the boat. She got curious and walked over there. She coughed but waved the air out of her way. She gasped and thought...
Zuko's & Katara's POV
(his)...the Avatar.
(her)...the Avatar?
*Le Gasp* Suspense is that you? 🤨🧐
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